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After the upsetting incident in the forest, Juliette decided to lock herself up in her house. Hours became days and days became months. She did not care if it would kill her due to boredom but she was determined to not encounter the cruel Duke ever again.

She sat at the window nook, watching all the cars and carriages pass in front of her house. She hugged both of her knees closer to her chest, being deeply buried in the thousand thoughts in her mind.

Lady Jane was relieved when she noticed her daughter decided to stay at home instead of wandering in the forest. But now, it worried her to see that her daughter was locking herself up in the house like a prisoner.

She approached her daughter, "Jules, you have to go out and get some fresh air."

"I thought you prefer having me at home 24/7."

"And now it worries me that you're not getting enough sunlight outside."

"I don't want to go out, Mother," Juliette scowled and rested her head against the window.

"You can't stay trapped in here forever. Get ready! We have a royal tea party to attend to."

"No, I don't want to!" Juliette tried to argue. Lady Jane snapped her fingers and two maids came dragging the daughter back into her room to help her get ready.

After thirty minutes of forcing her to get ready, the maids finally brought her downstairs to the living room. Lady Jane smiled at the servants to thank them before glaring at her daughter.

"Now I wish you to be on your best behaviour. The Duke might be there and please stay away from him if that is what it takes for you both to not cause a scene."

"I don't want to be in the same room as him. He's so cruel and arrogant."

"I know, dearest. But you cannot keep avoiding him since you both live and breathe in the same kingdom."

Juliette breathed out frustratingly before following her mother out of the house. They both got into a car and let their driver bring them to the palace.

As soon as they arrived, Juliette shyly followed behind her mother as they both made their way to the palace garden.

All the other nobles were already there, enjoying their desserts and teas. Queen Victoria immediately stood up to greet Lady Jane, "Jane! You made it! And I'm glad you brought Juliette as well."

"It's a pleasure to see you, Your Majesty," Lady Jane showed her courtesy before taking a seat.

Juliette frowned when her mother sat between her friends. She noticed an empty seat. And it was right next to the Duke. She couldn't bear asking her mother's friend to move so she had to sit next to him.

Jake eyed her up and down before chuckling. He gracefully picked up his teacup before sipping the drink. Clarissa watched every one of her moves before whispering to her fiancé, probably an insult.

Juliette hesitantly sat beside him before thanking the servant who immediately served her some tea and cookies. She listened attentively to the conversation her mother and her friends had, trying to get the thought of Jake being next to her off her mind.

Clarissa cleared her throat before asking, "Do you enjoy this tea party so far, Juliette?"

The said woman turned her attention to the noble lady, "Yes, I guess so."

Clarissa stood up before approaching her, "Let's have a word, Juliette. Shall we?"

She obeyed and followed the woman back into the palace. As they both walked through the hallways and admired all the portraits of the monarchs, Clarissa made sure she was close enough before showing the poor lady her true colours.

"Tell me, Juliette. How many times have you seen these portraits?"

"Seldom, I suppose. It's been a while since I've been here."

Clarissa scoffed, "Jake and I have been here at the palace so many times, I can't even count. The thing is, it's like we were raised here. Jake, Jay and I are like an inseparable trio."

"I understand."

"Do you?" She turned around and faced Juliette, "Jake and I are engaged. I hope you're not trying to be the other woman and wreck our relationship."

Juliette stood there frozen before forcing out a smile, "I'm not. I do not want to be involved with him in any type of way."

"Good. I know you are not that type of woman. If you are, then that's just so... lowly of you. Even worse than a commoner."

Juliette's heart sank as soon as the woman in front of her said that. Clarissa continued walking when suddenly she accidentally dropped her hand fan.

Juliette squatted down to pick it up when she felt her hand being stepped on. Clarissa looked down at her and smirked before putting more pressure on the poor girl's hand with her heel.

"You're hurting me."

"What to do, Juliette? I wanted to be friends with you since Jay is head over heels for you. But I can't do that if you're in my way of becoming the next Duchess."

Juliette pulled her hand away and stood back up before pushing the fan into the lady's chest, "I am not interested in stealing your fiancé. He's a jerk and I hope you enjoy your happily ever after with that cruel Duke. I just hope your children won't inherit your awful personality. What a pity to the next generation."

Clarissa clenched her jaw as she watched the younger girl leave her behind.

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