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Clarissa looked at the Duke before her as they both stood on the balcony, seeing the forest view. She crossed her arms and watched his demeanour amusingly. He finally noticed her before chuckling, "What? Did something interest you?"

"What made you agree to this arranged marriage? We both know we don't love each other," she asked as she turned her gaze to the scenery in front of her.

"Whatever my mother decides, it is the best for me. I am simply obeying her plans and suggestions."

"Don't you have someone in mind? You should really try to mingle with someone else rather than staying in your comfort zone with your circle of friends."

Jake thought for a while. His mind started replaying all of his encounters with Juliette and it made him feel eager once more. He wanted to taunt her some more until he got a reaction. A reaction he wanted. He wanted to see her cry, angry and frustrated.

He finally came back to his senses and shook his head, "I'm not in the mood to date or love anyone."

Clarissa scoffed before rolling her eyes, "Whatever.  I'm bored. Let's do something else."

"You've never hunted before, right?" He smirked.


Juliette peacefully drew the view of the lake in front of her. The sun was almost setting and the sky displayed their orange-purplish sky. She sighed and blew away the hair strands that were blocking her face.

"Well," she closed her book before putting it back into her satchel, "It's time to go home."

She stood up and carefully walked through the slippery ground. Suddenly, a loud gunshot made the whole forest silent. Her heart dropped, knowing there could be animals dying just for the sake of someone's sport.

She kept walking until her legs stopped, seeing two familiar friends in front of her. Clarissa scoffed before approaching her, "Juliette? We finally meet again! What are you doing here?"

Juliette averted her gaze from the noblewoman to the Duke and his gun. She tightened her grip on her satchel before answering, "I was just drawing the lake scenery."

"Really? May I see?" Clarissa instantly touched her satchel to open it. Juliette flinched in surprise before pushing her gently, "Sorry."

Jake let out a mocking laugh before frowning, "Is it so precious that you decided to keep it away from my partner? I bet your drawing isn't even as valuable as the other talented artists."

Clarissa smirked before backing away, "Alright, alright, I get it. But I really want to see it. It's fine since it's not that good, I understand you wouldn't want to show it."

The two friends laughed, making Juliette feel so small standing in front of them. She scowled before walking past them. Jake felt annoyed by the rudeness of her just leaving him without excusing herself.

He noticed a bird in its nest above her head and aimed his gun at it. He counted to three before shooting it. Juliette halted her moves as she felt the lifeless bird falling onto her head before to the ground.

She turned around to look at the Duke, "What do you want from me?"

He stepped closer to her before towering over her. She stood still, feeling her heart pounding like there was no tomorrow.

"Why aren't you scared of me?"

Her fists started trembling and she felt her blood boiling to the maximum. She immediately lunged a punch at him and made sure his nose was bleeding.

"Jake!" Clarissa shouted in shock as she went to help the man.

"Why should I? You're just a worthless piece of shit who thinks he can do whatever he wants just because his status is higher," Juliette snapped before pushing the woman away and grabbing him by his collar.

"I wish we both are reborn again and I hope I get to witness you being a commoner. In that way, I can step on you like dirt whenever I want!"

She pushed him hard before leaving the forest.


Juliette immediately burst through the front door to her home. The maids looked at her confusingly, "Lady Juliette–"

She ignored them and ran to the living room with trembling breaths. She saw her mother having a lively conversation with Her Majesty, the Queen.

"Jules," Viscountess Jane stood up when she saw her daughter panting with teary eyes. Juliette couldn't care less whether there was a guest or not. She instantly ran into her mother's arms before bursting into tears.

Queen Victoria stood up to pat her back, "What's wrong, Jules? Did something happen?"

Lady Jane exchanged confused glances with Queen Victoria, "There, there. You can tell me when you're ready, dearest. Let it all out."

"Why is everyone so rude and cruel to me?" Juliette spoke and sobbed.

"Who is cruel to you? Tell me, sweetheart. No one should ever be rude and bully you," Queen Victoria sighed as she kept rubbing her back comfortingly.

Juliette took a deep breath and rested her head on her mother's shoulder, not wanting to talk since she was tired. Lady Jane hummed as she patted her daughter's back, just like how she always did when Juliette was a little kid.

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