Goodnight, My Dear

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   Silence filled the space as Grell left. "Now that she's gone," I turned to Toru and Wilbur. "Why don't we invite Wilbur to the palace?" I asked, causing Wilbur to nod quickly and happily. "Well, let's get walking, then, shall we?" I offered, beginning to walk forward. Wilbur and Toru rushed ahead of me, making me chuckle.


   We were greeted at the door by Emile and Evelyn. "Welcome back, Your Highness!" Evelyn smiled, waving and shouting from afar. "Hey there, you two! I trust there were no problems while we were away?" I asked, stopping in front of them. "Nope!" Emile exclaimed with a big smile. "Perfect." I patted Evelyn's shoulder and scratched Emile's head in between his ears with a smile before inviting Wilbur inside.

   "Welcome to the Kima family palace," I began, handing Wilbur a nearby notepad for him to speak through. "This palace has been standing for a couple centuries now. Ever since the first of the Kima Royal Dynasty: King Escali and Queen Elanor Kima," I began to give Wilbur a tour and began in a long hallway with portraits of previous Kima monarchs. "First had the palace built." I finished. Wilbur looked amazed and clapped his hands lightly.

   I continued walking down the hallway to different portraits until I reached the portrait of me, my parents, and Howard, the family butler. My mind raced back to the disaster that took my parents. I began breathing heavily and my body felt heavy. I tried to hold the wall to keep myself up, but I fell anyways.

   The entire room was swirling and I couldn't see straight. "No... no." I kept muttering over and over. I felt hands on my shoulders; Probably Wilbur's. I tried to hold my hand straight and calm myself down, but my breathing became more ragged by the second.

   My heart thudded against my chest and I felt tears running down my cheeks. The walls felt like they were closing in on me. I kept muttering to myself, trying to calm down, but nothing worked.

   I looked around, trying to find something or someone to calm me down when someone appeared in front of me. They took my hands in theirs and stared straight at me before pulling me into a tight hug, rubbing my back slowly. My heavy and ruggedly fast breathing eventually slowed down.

   After a while, I was back to normal. My vision had bettered, and the walls were no longer closing in on me. I looked up to see the person holding me was Sebastian. "Sebastian, what are you-" He cut me off.

   "You just had a panic attack, My Lady. Let's get some food in your system before doing anything else." Sebastian insisted, helping me to stand. I stood up, looking around for Wilbur, only to not see him anywhere. "Your guest is waiting in the dining room. I insisted he wait there." Sebastian spoke up.

   I nodded and Sebastian led me to the dining room as well. He sat me down in a nearby chair and prepared a small meal for me. As I looked at the plate, I felt my hunger depleting. I poked at the food with my fork with a displeased expression. "Is it not to your liking, My Lady?" Sebastian inquired. "I seem to have lost my appetite." I sighed before looking to Wilbur. "I'm sure Wilbur would love to try your cooking, though." I stood up, dusting myself off.

   "Excuse me, everyone." I bowed slightly before going to prepare myself for bed. "Allow me to prepare you a bath, My Lady." Sebastian insisted. "You needn't bother yourself with such a task." I smiled, heading for the stairs, only to be frightened by Sebastian in front of me, grabbing my face, squishing my cheeks in the process.

   "You humans are such feeble, weak, and tiring creatures. After an attack like that, you need food and a good bath to cleanse yourself. The smallest germ could enter the smallest pore of your skin and get you sick, giving me even more work to do. So, I insist you allow me to prepare you a bath." He whispered harshly. My eyes widened, but I nodded in response. "Thank you." Sebastian stood up, dusted himself off, and headed for my bathroom.

   That was quite peculiar. Sebastian's never acted that way before. Ciel might've pissed him off. I thought to myself. "Sebastian!" I called from my room. "Yes, My Lady?" He shouted back. "Prepare a room for my guest, Wilbur. Make sure there are multiple notepads and pens around the house." I ordered, taking off my jewelry and dress. "Of course, My Lady. It shall be done." He said as he opened the bathroom door, picking me up, and laying me in the tub.

   "Anything else before I depart?" Sebastian asked, still seeming a bit on edge. "Not that I can currently think of." I thought about it as I began washing myself. "Wonderful. If you need me, you know what to do." With that, Sebastian left, not sparing another word.


   I had finished bathing and slipped into my nightgown when I heard shouting coming from downstairs. "What's with all the racket?" I asked, holding my head in my hand, walking down the steps. "My sincerest apologies, Your Highness, but please inform this imbecile of his place, he clearly isn't sure." Reya crossed her arms, side-eyeing Ifera.

   "When will you two learn that this constant bickering won't get you anywhere?" I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose. "Right after she leaves well enough alone!" Ifera pouted, pointing at Reya as if he were a child. "Or you could both stop acting like insolent children and talk about the problems you both clearly haven't figured out yet!" I shouted back.

   Before the two could answer, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around quickly, my expression softening when I saw Wilbur. He opened his notebook I gave him and pointed to a page with writing on it. "Is everything okay, Your Highness?" It read. "Oh, yes. Everything's fine. These two are just having yet another quarrel." I smiled. "Is the room I prepared for you to your liking?" I asked, changing the subject.

   Wilbur nodded and began to write in his notebook. "The room is perfect, thank you. But, I was wondering if I could get to know you better. Since I'll be staying here tonight and all." The page read. I smiled and looked back up at him. "I don't see why not. Come, we can talk in the drawing room." I guided him to the drawing room, sitting in one of the chairs. "Would you rather start, or should I?" I questioned, crossing my legs.

   Wilbur pointed to himself, sat down in front of me, and began writing. "How old are you?" He asked. "16, and you?" I asked, knowing this might take a while. "Wow! So young for such an experienced person. I'm 20, by the way." He wrote. "Okay, I guess it's my turn to ask. Where were you born?" I asked. "London." He wrote. "When did you become Crown Princess?" Was right under it. "I was just about to turn 12, I believe." I answered. "Have you always had to write things down to communicate with people?" I asked, trying to stay awake, despite how late it was becoming.

   "No, my family and I learned sign language to communicate with others. Although, not many people know about sign language." He wrote a sad face next to his sentence. I had heard a few things about sign language before, but I've never met anyone who uses it. Just then, I yawned loudly. I blushed from embarrassment and covered my mouth with my hand.

   "My sincerest apologies. I believe it's time for bed. Goodnight, Wilbur." I waved before walking off to my bedroom. Sebastian noticed and followed close behind. "Oh, Sebastian. I thought you had gone back to Ciel by now." I remarked as I wrapped my hair up. "Not with you in that state, my dear. Also, I must apologise for my earlier actions. Lashing out in such a way was completely inappropriate." Sebastian kneeled before me.

   "You needn't beat yourself up about it. Plus, you're right." I said as Sebastian tucked me in. "I thank you for your kindness." Sebastian stood up and sat on the edge of my bed. "I must return to my other master soon. Will you be alright, my dear?" Sebastian asked with a worrisome expression. "Yes, I will be fine. I'll have things to keep me busy. For example, I figured out that Wilbur normally uses sign language, there's still more to his past, and my coronation is soon." I chuckled, giving Sebastian a reassuring pat on the shoulder.

   "I suppose you're right, My Lady. Remember to call me if you need anything." Sebastian stood up before bowing to me. "Goodnight, my dear. I will see you soon." With that, Sebastian was gone once again.

(1500 words)

Yes, My Lady- Sebastian Michaelis x Fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now