Thank You, My Lady

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   "Desireable souls," I heard Claude's voice as he porued egg yolks into a bowl and whisked them, despite the fact that his mouth never moved the slightest. The triplets walked past him, still connected to each other by the spear from earlier. "Luscious souls. If souls do vary in taste, then one obsessively pursued by a demon, a soul like that of Ciel Phantomhive, not to mention the princess', powerful souls, indeed..." How come I can hear their thoughts now? A splash of batter appeared on the side of his face, from Sebastian, I presumed.

   "Oh, do excuse me," Sebastian pleaded with a smile, attempting to hide the fact he acted on purpose. "It's just the way you were looking at my young masters was beginning to concern me. I had the strangest feeling you were assessing the flavor of their souls." What is with demons and making young children an afternoon snack? Isn't that illegal? Claude flung batter at Sebastian, but he dodged it quite easily and flung some back. The two continued to fling batter at each other, but failed at hitting either, Viscount Druitt watching in amazement from beside me.

   "Make other dinner plans, you won't lay a finger on either of my young master's souls. Or give them any lip." Sebastian spat as he glared codly at Claude. Claude slammed his bowl down on the table since he ran out of batter, still dodging the last amount of batter flung towards him by Sebastian. Along with that weird moment at the costume ball the other day. Sebastian noticed this, causing him to stop as well and turn his attention towards the statues made from flung batter during their handsless fight.

   "Oh, bravo!" Druitt exclaimed as Claude licked remaining batter from his glasses. "It's simply unsanitary," I retched as I looked away from Claude. "Well that was just a whole lot of pointless." Ciel groaned, turning away as well. Is it just demons whos thoughts I can hear? "This afternoon, we have puits d'amour, crème pâtissière, and rasberry jam in a pastry made of pie dough. To accompany, we have a delicately brewed Mariage Fréres Eros tea." Claude presented. I was so lost in thought that I couldn't recall moving to the enormous table we now all sat at.

   To my left, I caught sight of Alois openeing his mouth for Claude to feed him, and he did as such. Alois hummed in response while Druitt very quickly dropped his fork and stuttered for words. "T-t-his is... AMAZING! The puits d'amour pairs rich cream with the tartness of rasberries in a satiny ensemble so rare like water in the driest desert! I thrist for more- yes, how I thirst! I beg you, my entrepet desert guide! Please show me the path to the oasis!" Tears poured down his face as he went through his... meaningful monologue.

   "Yes, I must agree with Viscount Druitt. Despite the sweetness of the cream and the tart rasberry, two contrasting flavors, along with the soft, but nicely cooked dough of the pastry, it is quite the taste. Well done, Claude." I spoke up. "I... I am so glad you agree with me, my sweet!" Druitt laughed proudly and I sighed, slightly annoyed. "Might I present a Forêt Noire. This treat is comprised of layers of choclate sponge cake and cherry compote, finished with a dressing of white cream." Sebastian presented. "And with it, we have a pot of super fine Keemun tea shipped in from the Qing Empire." He finished as he poured Ciel a cup of tea. "Fine." He replied, as if he was a five year-old forced to eat said treat.

   Before Ciel could take a bite, Druitt once again stuttered for words. "Très bien! This Forêt Noire combines the rich aroma of choclate with a tart scent of cherry! The flavors surge forth like ocean waves landing on your toungue with an overwhelming splash! I would follow this taste around the globe! I would happily serve to navigate the entire world to explore its every exquisite (gibberish)! I, Vasco de Gama, of afternoon tea! Please, show me the righteous course!" Druitt declared as Sebastian smiled happily.

   "I wouldn't particularly call myself a choclate fan, but this is a taste I can certainly appreciate. Well done, Sebastian." He bowed with a smile. "I thank you, My Lady." Before I could say anything, I noticed smoke spewing from Druitt's ears at the effort of his thoughts. "Such a dilemma! How could I choose which one is better? I can't do it!" He shouted, holding his head tightly with both hands. "I can't do it. I must... go powder my nose!" He spun out from his chair and away. I stifled a laugh at his actions before clearing my throat to speak. "The washroom is that way." Claude corrected the Viscount. "Oh, yes!" He spun the way Claude pointed. "That man is so defiable." Ciel remarked as he took a sip of tea.

Yes, My Lady- Sebastian Michaelis x Fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now