Until Next Time, My Dear

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   Just like that, Toru and I were running through the kingdom with a grim reaper. What did we plan to do, you ask? I couldn't tell you. "Stop writing and keep running! I wouldn't want to leave you behind, my dear!" Grell shouted. I closed my book and kept running behind her. My head is always flowing with different thoughts about what could be going on, so I started writing them in a journal I found a while back. I wouldn't say it helps entirely, but it's fun to write everything down. When I go back to read my thoughts, it's weirdly humourous.

   Grell stopped as she reached a run-down looking house. I grimaced from the sight. "How long has this place been abandoned?" I asked as I smelt something foul coming from inside. I pinched my nostrils closed. Before Grell could answer she began screaming and jumped into Toru's arms. "What's the matter now?" I asked, gesturing for Toru to drop Grell. "I saw..." She squirmed around as she rambled on about something. "Just tell me what it is! Your pointless whining won't solve anything!" I demanded.

   "It was," She slowly turned towards me. "A spider!" She wailed as I stared at her, deadpanned. "Are you serious? A measly spider is what you're so scared of?" I asked. "It was no ordinary spider! Take a look for yourself! You'll see!" She insisted, pointing towards the inside building. I sighed and walked inside, not seeing a spider or anything of the sort. "Grell are you sure you saw a spider?" I asked, looking for something to produce light. I found a torch on a wall and moved it around the room until I saw big red eyes in front of me.

   Just before I could put the torch near it to see what it was, it walked past me, back outside to Toru and Grell. I turned quickly as a loud, shrill scream came from Grell, a loud thud following after. I rushed out of the building to see a nervous Toru and a pissed Grell. "What happened?" I asked, looking around for any type of clue I might find. I looked down to see the same red eyes open slowly and everything else fell into place. Grell must've screamed and Toru must've punched the mystery man, hence why he was on the floor.

   "Toru, help him up. Grell, quit whining and be... as normal as you can be." I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose in utter annoyance. "My apologies for hitting you, sir." Toru said with a lowered head after helping the man to his feet. The man was as tall as Sebastian, maybe taller. Midnight blue locks covered his head, flowing down like loose string over his forehead and his eyes, stron features, and piercing green-ish gray eyes. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Y/n Kima, the princess and future queen of Lategia." I curtsied. "These are my companions. Hikaru Toru, a part of my royal staff," I gestured towards Toru who's head was still low. "And Grell Sutcliff." I then gestured to Grell.

   I turned to Grell, wondering why she didn't say anything. I immediately figured out what was going on when I saw hearts in her eyes. "I can introduce myself, darling!" She pushed me away, walking over to the mystery man. "Grell Sutcliff, at your service, handsome. Feel free to use me anytime you like." She winked at him while I shivered. The man didn't answer, but instead began using his hands like he was writing something. "Ooh! Charades! I love this game!" Toru called out with sparkling eyes.

   Grell seemed equally intruiged and stood by Toru as they both tried to guess what the man was trying to say. "Uh, a book!" Toru called out, making the man shake his head. "A novel!" Grell called out. That's the same thing, you imbecile. I sighed, knowing this would take a while. The man began to trace a square using only his fingers. "A shape!" Grell called out. "A window!" Toru followed. The two continued to call out random things until I had just about enough. "Silence, you two! Just listening to you two call thing after thing is enraging!" I shouted, walking towards them.

   "Well, excuse me, Your Highness!" Grell scoffed dramatically. "I don't see you trying to guess anything!" She shouted back, pouting. "I'll give it a try, then." I sighed, walking over to the man who seemed to be getting tired. He held his hand in the air and moved it like he was trying to write something. "A pen?" I asked, making him point as if I was right, but not completely. He traced the same square from before and used his other hand to write on it again. "Paper? Do you need something to write with?" I asked again, making him clap his hands together.

   I opened my notebook and gave it to him, along with my pen. He wrote for a while before handing my notebook back to me. "How nice to meet you and your friends, Your Highness. My name is Wilbur Hill. My apologies for not speaking straight to you, it's been a mystery to me for as long as I can remember." It read. For someone who couldn't speak, his handwriting was extraordinary. "This was my home not long ago, but I had to leave the kingdom on business and came back to it looking this way." The last message said. "How unfortunate." I muttered, looking up at Wilbur.

   "Pardon your... conversation, my dear, but I still have a job to finish." She began walking away. "I'm afraid I must go, that is unless someone wants me to stay?" She looked over her shoulder. "We wouldn't want to interrupt you from your work, Grell. Plus, I could only begin to imagine the trouble you would be thrown into for not completing it. Right, Toru?" I turned to him and he nodded, Wilbur nodding as well. "Very well then. Until next time, my dear!" Grell jumped on top of a building, waving before running off.

(1020 words)

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