Sebastian, My Lady

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 Author's POV:

  In the kingdom of Lategia, a little girl trudges through a dark forest, tears running down her cheeks as she held on tightly to her little teddy bear. "Y/n~" A voice echoed in a quiet whisper. "Wha? How do you know my name? I command you show yourself at once!" The girl whipped around, searching for the voice that scared her so. "No need to worry about that. I just have a question for you," The voice continued. "What's a little girl like you," A whoosh of the wind flew by. "Doing in a scary forest such as this?" The voice was heard from right behind her.

   She whipped around again, only to find nothing there. "I'm not scared of this forest or you!" She exclaimed. "Whatever you are." Her voice lowered. Little ticks and taps of shoes could be heard getting closer. "Such tenacity from someone oh so young. She looks to be no older than 11, but such determined eyes, nevertheless. They seem to shout fearlessness." The voice whispered. "I won't ask you again, show yourself!" She commanded. "As you wish." The voice hissed. A tall, shadowy figure appeared.

   "What in the bloody Hell are you?" She asked. "Whatever you wish me to be, my lady." The figure spoke, a devilish smile appeared. She felt a sudden feeling of ease and safety, and her whole body relaxed. "Could you be," Her cheeks heated with embarrassment. "My friend?" She muttered lowly. A long piece of paper extended all around her, and a feather pen appeared in front of her. The end of the long paper appeared before her and she wrote her signature. "Yes, My Lady," The figure's voice echoed all around her.

   The shadows covering the figure seemed to fly away at the speed of light. The figure was replaced with a fairly tall (5'10 for now), pale-skinned male with jet balck hair with red eyes that seemed to glow. He was wearing a pair of black trousers, a six-buttoned double-breasted tailcoat and a gray vest with white gloves that seemed to fit perfectly.

   "Why so prim and proper?" She questioned. "Well, you are a princess, are you not? If I cannot wear the certain attire, befitting of your status, what kind of butler would I be?" A smile spread across his features as he placed his gloved hand against his chest. The young girl rolled her eyes, biting the inside of her cheek to hold back a smile. She started walking back out of the forest despite the fact that her legs ached from running earlier.

   Y/n felt eyes boring into the back of her head as they walked on and on, but ignored them. As they walked on and on, she heard sighing from behind her getting louder and louder. "What is so bothersome that you insist to whine and groan so much?" Y/n groaned, twisting on her heels with a scowl apparent across her features. "All this walking is not fitting for someone of your stature. Come, I'll carry you." He insisted, holding out his arms, catching her off guard. "Absolutely not. Are you mad?" She snapped. "Why of course not, My Lady. Simply give me the order, and I shall whisk you away from this forest in no time flat." He smiled, crouching down to one knee.

   Y/n rolled her eyes, but stood her ground. "Well, then. I, Y/n Kima, princess of Lategia, order you to get me away from this wretched forest!" She ordered. The butler's eyes glowed a devilish red as he placed his hand on his chest, looking up at his new Mistress. "Yes, My Lady." His voice echoed throughout the forest. He scooped Y/n up, catching her off guard, and a smile became plastered across his features.

   "Come, My Lady, we shall dance our way out!" He sang, humming a tune to himself while spinning all around. Y/n found herself smiling as she danced around with her butler. After what seemed like hours of dancing, he finally halted from the never-ending dancing and Y/n took a sigh of relief as he set her down softly. Y/n wobbled a bit as she attempted to walk forward, but the butler grabbed her hand and led her inside a large palace in the same spot as her old one, but it looked different.

Yes, My Lady- Sebastian Michaelis x Fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now