Lead Me Through the Night

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

Funny thing about this one, I started it around Christmas time. It was supposed to be the third Christmas Special but I kept rewriting it so I set it aside for later and now here we are! 

Requested by DyslexiccRatt

Read on if you dare.

Ahsoka's life may as well have been over.

She could feel each beat of her heart as if they were sickening stabs. She hadn't blinked in a while. And she hadn't breathed in so long that her brain was fuzzy.

Ahsoka sucked in a breath and choked out an involuntary sob. She felt herself leaning forward, muscles tense and ready to launch into a deadly sprint. "NO–!"

Strong hands gripped at her wrist, yanking her away. She struggled against them but an arm dragged her back, wrapping across her shoulders and front to secure her against a sturdy body.

"No..." she cried again, tears falling and evaporating just as quickly. This time there was a plea laced through it, a broken begging.

"Yes," cackled a rough voice, igniting the fire in Ahsoka once more.

"You can't do this!"

"Oh, but dear 'Soka, we already have!" The malice laced into the tone and drowning the words made Ahsoka sick.



Ahsoka sprang forward, lunging for the two dark figures that taunted her from across the river of deadly, bubbling lava, but the arms wrapped around her and yanked her back.

"Ahsoka," said a voice, this one soft and familiar, "there's nothing either of us can do."

She hated the words more than she'd hated anything in her life, and equally despised admitting they were true.

"It's now or never," the voice said again. "And never isn't going to work."

She knew it would come to this but couldn't accept it. "I can't do this, Obi-Wan."

"I feel the same way, my dear," Obi-Wan whispered, "but this moment will dramatically affect the future, and I'd like the most positive outcome.

He was right. And she hated it.

Ahsoka glared over the bubbling lava river at Anakin and Padmé– no, not them anymore. She'd never witnessed all the good draining from a person until today. Because today, Anakin had gone to the dark side, and Padmé had followed.

Obi-Wan drew his lightsaber so Ahsoka followed suit. Their adversaries did the same, and Ahsoka's insides clenched at the sight of not-Padmé holding a glowing red blade, and she didn't want to think about where not-Padmé had gotten it.

Their adversaries, growing impatient, both sprung first. It was not-Anakin, swinging to take Obi-Wan's head off. Ahsoka spared a side-glance and Padmé took the chance to spring into action.

Their blades locked, fighting for a chance to slip past the others' defenses.

"This isn't you," Ahsoka insisted, but not-Padmé only grinned wider.

"Isn't it thought? I feel more like myself than ever before!"

The way she said it sent chills down Ahsoka's spine. Ahsoka reached out and kicked Padmé back, launching both of them into a deadly dance. Ahsoka didn't know where Padmé's lightsaber wielding skills came from, and it made her feel even sicker to think it might've been the Darkside Force.

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