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Heyo human beings from outer space!

Two in one day, woohoo! And two in which I am not torturing Ahsoka. Well, you know what they say: conquer two worlds with one battle. 

Oh, and I'd like to apologize in advance because this one's a bit shorter.

By the way, I have over 250 reads on this. THANKS!!

Read on if you dare. 

"Hey, Ahsoka!"

Ahsoka turned around to see her friend Sepri Taji, a human girl, running towards her.

"Hey," Ahsoka waved with a small grin. "What's up?" She hadn't been able to spend much time with Sepri since she'd become a padawan.

"Nothin' much," Sepri caught up and slowed into a walk. "You?"

"Oh, just the usual," Ahsoka shrugged. "Homework. Lots of homework since I couldn't do anything during the battle. Oh, and Anakin skipped training again. So that sucks."

Srepi giggled a little. "What's it like having the Chosen One as your master?"

"Well, he annoys me out of my mind sometimes, he could burn ice, and he disappears half the time, but he gives good hugs," Ahsoka counted the listed traits on her fingers.

"He could burn ice," Sepri smirked. "Does that mean you think he's hot?"

Ahsoka frowned. "No, I mean he can't cook to save his life. He's so bad at it he couldn't "

"Oh," Sepri hummed thoughtfully.

"Wait, do you think he's hot?" Ahsoka's eyes widened.

Sepri let out another round of giddy giggles. "Yes!"

"What?! Hot?!" Ahsoka's lip curled up in disgust. "You think Anakin, that... that poop, is hot?!"

"You don't?" Sepri gave her a confused look.

"Of course not!" Ahsoka exclaimed. "I have a better question: How could you possibly think he is hot?!"

"How could you not?" Sepri's expression turned dreamy. "Those blue eyes, that blonde hair, that smile, those muscles... strong arms, big chest, powerful legs–"

Ahsoka burst out laughing. "Powerful legs? What is wrong with you? You know, Anakin kicked me off the couch last night. With those powerful legs. Oh, and that blonde hair is so greasy and nasty."

"What is wrong with you?" Sepri fired back. "You have the most attractive man in existence who doubles as the Chosen One as a master and you don't think he's hot!"

"I think he's annoying," Ahsoka snorted. "He kicked me– literally kicked me— off the couch. And he ate all the fried tip-yip I was given by a friend before I even got a bite. And he stole my datapad. And he took all the blankets off my bed and hid them. Shall I continue?"

"I would love having him as a master," Sepri sighed.

"Did you not hear what he does?" Ahsoka pressed.

"I heard you. I still want to be his padawan."

"Try living with him," Ahsoka scoffed. "Trust me, Sepri. He's a literal poop."

"Well, I suppose that's all I can do."

"Yeah," Ahsoka agreed. "Because I'm his padawan."

"Would he hug me if I was his padawan?" Sepri recalled Ahsoka saying he gave good hugs.

"I don't know," Ahsoka shrugged. "He hugs me sometimes."

"Oh, Ashoka," Sepri sighed again. "What I would give to have a hug from him."

Ahsoka rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Maybe you'll change your mind about thinking he's hot if you see him when I braid his hair. He looked pretty funny then."

"You braid his hair?" Sepri gasped. "Oh, I would love to run my fingers through his hair."

"I get the point."

"And if I could feel his strong arms. See his charming smile..."

"You mean his cocky smirk?" Ahsoka interjected.

"...he's so handsome with that scar. And those sparkly eyes."

Ahsoka made a show of pretending to vomit. "Please, Sepri. You make me sick."

"Ahsoka, can you just tell me how he's not attractive to you?" Sepri begged.

"Would you think your brother is attractive?" Ahsoka asked in response.

"Well... No."

"Anakin's my brother. I would never think he's attractive," Ahsoka spoke sternly.

"Oh," Sepri thought for a moment. "I guess that makes sense."

"Now, I may not think he's attractive, but I do still think he's a poop and a pain in the gut."

The girls shared the following fit of laughter. 


Word Count: 762

Published: Mar. 5, 2022

I was laughing silently to myself the whole time I wrote this. And wanting to eat more brownies. And watching Star Wars: Rebels. Whoah, Sabine and Ezra both just got knocked out by Fenn Rau. Now Chopper is pinching Ezra's nose. 

I don't know why I'm all giddy over this. I've seen it approximately 72 billion times. 

Well, that's it. Requests are open, feel free to message me or comment if you have any ideas. 

Bye, peoples!

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