Warm, Welcome Arms | Part 3

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TW: Longing for death

Anakin immediately knew he was in the med-bay, even from the first little prick of consciousness returning. He could hear the distant beeping of machines, eventually could smell nothing but clean, and soon knew Obi-Wan was seated next to him.

"Ahsoka," Anakin groaned when he could get his lips to move. Kriff, he was tired.

"No, Anakin," Obi-Wan's voice said. "Not quite."

"No," Anakin mumbled, trying to peel his eyes open. "She's alive."

"Anakin, I'm very sorry, but–"

"No, you're not listening," Anakin said, energy returning slowly. He attempted to shove himself upright. "She's alive, she was the girl we were fighting."

Obi-Wan's face fell from his gentle expression. "You're sure?"

"Yes, you think I'd lie?!"

"No, It's just very sudden." Obi-Wan stroked his beard for a moment, then sighed, holding his head in his hands. "It almost makes sense. The clones memories are cloudy from that night, none of us were allowed to see her body, and her size and fighting techniques make sense from yesterday. But I don't believe Ahsoka would turn to the Dark Side."

"I can't blame her," Anakin mumbled, and Obi-Wan raised an eyebrow. "Almost everyone she trusted turned their backs on her. I would've lost faith in the Jedi and everything they believed, too, if I was her."

Obi-Wan sighed. "You're right." He thought for a moment before spitting out "Stang. You're one hundred percent positive, Anakin?" Obi-Wan said as if he hoped Anakin would change his mind.

Anakin thought hard just to humor Obi-Wan and his eyes blew wide with a returning memory he'd discounted earlier. "Obi-Wan," he said as if it was the last piece of evidence they needed. "She held her lightsabers in a reverse grip."

He watched Obi-Wan's heart plummet to the floor.


The news spread like wildfire in the Jedi Temple that the new sith was formerly Ahsoka Tano. They began problem solving immediately, but nothing was as simple as it seemed.

Anakin wanted to turn her back but there were others who wanted to kill her once and for all. Fortunately, Grand Master Yoda was among those who believed that Ahsoka could be redeemed.

Hours turned to days, days to weeks, and weeks to who-knows-how long. Anakin refused to lose hope as some others did.

"Her eyes were green," Anakin reminded everyone constantly. "Ahsoka's in there and she's fighting back. She needs us to fight with her."

Their run-ins with Ultor were few, and Anakin thought she avoided them purposefully because it brought out Ahsoka every time. And every time, Ultor managed to win against Anakin, but she lost to Ahsoka, even if it was a little bit.

Every time, Ultor would knock him out and flee the scene.

There was hope, and more than a little.


"You've disappointed me too many times, Ultor."

"Master?" questioned the girl, looking up at him with mossy green eyes. "I've done everything you've asked me to and more."

"But you've let those Jedi walk free so many times."

Ultor's eyes widened.

"Yes, yes, I know when you don't tell me the whole truth," said her master darkly. "You cannot lie to me, Ultor, you cannot keep anything from me."

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