Chapter 45:

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I think I fell asleep because I feel someone shaking me to get up. I open my eyes and it's Braxton. "What is it," I mumble quietly.

"They found him, they found your dad."

"What?" Did I hear that right?

"He's at an airport, about 30 minutes away from here but."

"What is it?"

"It's turned into a hostage situation."


"He was in the line, waiting to get his suitcase checked and everything was fine but then he saw the police officers and he freaked, grabbed Aiden and threatened he'll hurt him if they came any closer. They evacuated the airport and they're now trying to solve the situation in the safest way they can."

"How could have things gotten so bad?" I tell him, covering my face with my hands.

"I don't know Cello, I don't know, but it's going to be okay, they know what they're doing," he hugs me, placing a soft kiss my on my head.

All I could think about was Aiden. He doesn't deserve this. He shouldn't have gone to my dad in the first place, I shouldn't have let it happen.

"Is it okay if I could ask some questions?" The same officer from before says as he walks in the room.

Braxton let's go of me but he holds my hand, giving it a squeeze.

"Has Aiden and your father ever had any complications in their relationship?"

"No, not really. My dads been quite fond of him, he wouldn't hurt him. Why?"

"We found some footage of him and Aiden arguing before they left. It looks like Aiden did not want to go with him and stayed put at the house. Your father tried pulling him but he wasn't moving. Then he threw quite a temper and assaulted him."


"We saw him slapping the young boy."

"Oh gosh no, he wouldn't do that to him. He loves him. Aiden must be so scared right now," I tell Braxton, tears filling my eyes.

"It's okay, the good news is that we found him. There's an officer that's trying to speak to him calmly but if it doesn't work out, we have another plan. Just stay put and try not to worry, we have this under control miss."

I nod my head as he tries to reassure me but it's Aiden. I can't sit back and do nothing.



"You need to get me out of here."

He looks at me like I've totally just lost it. "No Adalee, there's no way your leaving."

"Braxton please, I need to go to Aiden, I could help with the situation. If aiden sees me, he'll worry less."

"Adalee your hurt and injured."

"Please Braxton. If your not going to take me then I'll just take a cab and get there myself," I tell him as I get the blanket off my body and try getting out of the bed.

He lets out an irritated groan but then rushes to my side and helps me up. He first looks out of the room to see if anyone was standing by. "There's an officer on the left side but he's not looking this way. If we hurry, we could make it without being seen," he tells me in a low voice.

He grabs my hand and pulls me out of the room as we turn right. My back is hurting so bad but I can make it. I know I can.

We're in front of the hospital now and Braxton opens his car door, putting me in the passenger side and then we were off.

I see us arriving at the airport and there were lots of people crowding outside. People were shouting and arguing with the officers, they were trying to get through but they weren't allowed. It was a whole mess.

Yellow tape was drawn to stop people from passing but I don't see how that could help.

I quickly get out of the car and head to the entrance. "Adalee wait," I hear Braxtons voice but I don't stop for him.

"Sorry miss but you can't go through-" an officer began but I ran past him and went under the tape, hurrying through the doors.

I looked at every direction but they weren't here, I couldn't see anyone. I then noticed some signs and I read that that baggage area was downstairs so I went to find the stairs.

"Adalee wait."

I turn around and Braxton managed to catch up to me. "Don't do that dammit. Something could have happened to you."

"I'm sorry but I really need to find him."

"And I'm here to help you Adalee, I'm not letting you do this alone," he reassures me, holding my hand.

We ran down the stairs and made a left turn, beginning to see the baggage area in our sight of vision.

"I'm going to get out of here with my son and no one can fucking stop me." I pause at the sound of the voice. That was him.

I look up and I see my dad, grabbing a terrified Aiden by his side and about 6 officers surrounding them.

"Aiden," I yell out, running towards him. "Adalee wait," Braxton says but I don't listen.

I was now only a few feet away from them, Aiden noticing me, tears filling his eyes. "Don't come any closer Adalee or I'll-" he begins but I interrupt him.

"Or you'll what? Huh dad? What are you going to do? Hit me? Because you've already done that," I give it to him straight.

"You don't deserve to be a father. You don't deserve to be in Aidens life."

"But he's my son," he yells back.

"And I'm your daughter," I scream at him, fed up with the way he's treated us. "I'm your daughter but you cared more about Aiden than me. I never did anything to you but you've neglected me and abused me for years."

"Aiden come here," I then tell him, holding my hands out.

"No Aiden, stay by me, don't move," my dad tells him, holding him closer to him.

"I don't want to be with you dad," Aiden cries to him. "I don't want to go away."

"What?" My dad says quietly, shocked by his words. "But I thought you were happy? We're going to go far away where no one can bother us."

"No dad, you hurt Lee. You keep hurting her and that's not allowed. I want to go to her, not you," he continues to say, tears falling down his cheek.

My dad looked at him in uttered shock and began to loosen his hold on him. I took this moment to slowly move forward and quickly grab Aiden, bringing him to me. "What- what are you doing?" My dad then says, trying to come for me but Braxton stands in front of me.

The officers then grabbed him and handcuffed him. "Mr Celeste, you are under arrest for the murder of Adora Celeste and the kidnapping of Aiden Celeste. You will be held accountable for your actions. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be given to you, do you understand what I'm saying?" The officer reads out to him.

"Are you okay?" I ask Aiden as I face him towards me, holding his face. He gives me a nod and wraps his arms around me. "You're safe now, we're safe. We're going to be okay, I promise," I tell him, hugging him back tight.

"Thank you," he mumbles in my chest.

"What for?" I ask, confused.

"For being there for me. You're the best big sister ever." His words bring such sympathy to my heart, making me tear up all over again. Gosh, I'm an emotional mess.

Braxton then comes up to us and joins in the hug as well. "I'm so proud of you Cello," he whispers in my ear, placing a kiss on my temple. "So proud."

I let out an exhausted sigh as I lean my weight on him, too tired to hold myself up. "Let's go home," he then says, putting his arm around Aiden and then his other arm round me.

I look up at him and give him a warm smile. "Let's go."

Adalee Where stories live. Discover now