Chapter 43:

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~His POV~

It's gotten dark now, the sun starting to set. I had to go to the grocery store to get some things that I ran out of and now that I've got them, I'm driving back home again.

I'm so glad she enjoyed that library. My insides feel so fucking great when she's all bubbly and beaming with happiness. She deserves it.

I decide to ring her to make sure she's okay but when I do, it goes to voicemail. I call her again but no answer. When I try for the third time, it goes to voicemail once again. She's probably in the middle of doing something. Or maybe she's taking a nap. She's always sleeping that one.

I smile at the thought as I pull up on my driveway and then turn the engine off. I get out of the car and take the bags out and then walk to the front door.

My eyebrows furrow as I see a small figure making its way through my vision as I walk closer, layed helplessly on my doorstep.

As I move closer, I notice a familiar face and then my stomach drops. I let go of the bags and run to her as I get down on my knees and place her in my arms.

"Adalee? What the fuck happened to you?" I quickly ask as I look at her and check for any possible injuries. She had a bloody face but I couldn't quite tell where the blood was coming from. I could barely see her and she was shaking really bad.

"Adalee open your eyes. Shit. Adalee, open your eyes," I tell her, trying to shake her to keep her awake.

Her eyes flutter open but they were droopy. "You're here," she mumbles quietly, putting a weak smile on her face. "I was waiting." Her head drops down again but I lift it up, holding it in my hand.

"Who did this?"

But she doesn't say anything as her eyes are closed again. She can't lose consciousness, she may have a concussion or a serious injury fuck.

"Adalee who did this?"

"Dad got mad," she whispers quietly, her head falling onto my chest.

I quickly lift her up and carry her to my car, but as I touch her back she winces, making me pull my hand away quick. Tears start to fall down her cheeks. "I'm so sorry," I quickly tell her, putting my hand elsewhere and then I open the door, putting her in the passenger side.

I put her belt on and then quickly go to the other side and reverse out of the driveway and hurry my way to the hospital.

I don't know how many red lights and stop signs I ran but there was no time to wait. I give quick glances at her every minute as she leans on the window. "Adalee keep your eyes open dammit."

"They're open," she mumbles as they are evidently still closed.

I press my foot down on the pedal until I see the hospital coming into view. I stop the car and quickly get out, carrying Adalee in my arms and head for the doors.

"Someone help, I need a fucking doctor," I yell as soon as I'm inside.

Two nurses notice me and quickly get out a bed and make their way towards me. I place Adalee onto it and then the nurses wheel her away. "What happened?" One of them said as she was taking her to a room.

"She got fucking hurt, her dad hit her, I need to call the police," I tell her.

"You can do that in the reception," she then says as we enter a room.

"I'm not fucking leaving her," I tell her. I don't know who she thinks she is but I'm not going anywhere.

"Listen son," the male nurse begins but I cut him off. "I'm not your fucking son."

"Okay I apologise but please stay calm. We're going to check on her and you can't come in. Why don't you make the call in the meantime and then you can come back alright?"

I stand there, wanting to argue back but he does have a point. I do need to call the police. I give him a look and then turn around and head back to the reception area.

"I need to make a phone call," I say as I approach the woman at the desk.

"The phones right there sir."

I dial the numbers and bring the phone to my ear. "Hello, what's your emergency?"


I'm waiting outside her room as the doctors were still in there with her. I don't know what they were doing but they were poking shit in her and I didn't like the look of it.

She's going to be okay I know it. She's strong and she's going to get through this I tell myself.

15 minutes go by and then I notice some police officers making their way towards me. "Are you Braxton Arlos?" One of them says as they've approached me.


"The one that made the phone call?"

"That's right."

"I need to ask some questions about the situation if that's alright?"

"No you should be down at her house to find that fucker," I yell at him as I get up from my seat. Who does he think he is? He needs to go take his ass to jail.

"Now calm down," he begins, holding his hand up. "We already have two officers down there as we speak to check if he's there. They'll radio in once they've got him okay?"

I stay silent but then I nod my head.

"Would you like to start with what happened?"

"I was just out and then when I come home, I see her laying on the ground and- and erm."

"It's okay, take your time."

"She had blood on her face so I couldn't tell where it was coming from. There was a lot."

"Anything else?"

"And- and I think she hurt her back," I continue as I remember she winced when I touched it. "Because when I tried lifting her, it hurt her a lot."

"And what makes you think that it's her father who has been hurting her?"

"Because he's been abusing her, I saw the bruises on her and she told me it was her dad. She wouldn't let me do anything though at first otherwise I would have called the police a while back. I think she was scared."

"Scared of her father?"


"And how long have you known about the abuse?"

"A month."

"Okay that will be all thank you. We're going to stay for a while longer until Miss Celeste is awake again as we'll need to ask her some questions too." I nod my head as they tell me.

"We'll let you know if we have any more information about the father." And then they walk away.

I sit back down on the chair, leaning my elbow on my leg, my hand going through my hair. This is fucked up. So fucked up.

I breathe in and out as I feel myself shaking. I look down at my hands and they're bloody. It's her blood. I don't know why but that just made my breathing go even more weird. What's happening to me? It's like my lungs are giving up on me.

"Sir are you okay?" A nurse approaches me.

"I think- I think I'm having a panic attack," I breathe out.

"Alright listen to me," she says, holding my shoulders. "We're going to breathe in but don't let go yet."

I do as she says and breathe in. "Count to 3 and then let go."

I count to three and let out the breath. "Okay that's good, do it again."

I do that for a couple more minutes until I feel the shaking die down a little.

"Are you okay?" She then asks me.

"Yeah I'm fine thanks."

"Why don't you go wash up," she then says as she notices the blood on my hands, worry on her face. I nod and then get up from my seat.

Adalee Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora