Chapter 44:

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I give her a nod and get up, making my way to the toilets. I look at the mirror and there's a little bit of blood splattered on my cheek and I had some on my shirt as well.

I turned on the tap and splashed the cold water onto my face. Then I quickly scrub my hands, making sure all the blood was gone. I grab some tissue and soak it and then I try rubbing it on my shirt but it didn't do anything. I rub harder and harder but it was useless and then I let out an agitated groan as I throw the tissue on the floor. Fuck this.

I leave the toilets and make my way back to Adalees room. I look through the window and the doctors were still in there with her. What the hell is taking so long? I sit back down and continue to wait. I hate seeing her like this. She doesn't deserve to be in there. She deserves to be free and happy.

I hear footsteps running, which pulled me away from my thoughts, and I look to my side. It was the officers that spoke to me.

"What happened? Did you find him?" I ask them as I get up from my seat.

"No, he wasn't at the house."

"What the fuck? If you had been quicker then you would have had him," I yell at him. Of course the shithead would have ran. What a pussy.

"We're checking his other house, he could have gone there straight after since it's the only place he could have gone to anyway."

I nod my head, not saying anymore words.

"But my officers did find something else."

My eyebrows furrow. "What is it."

He lets out a sigh. "They found a body there."

My eyes widen. "Wh- what?" I stutter.

"It was a female, in her early 40s. Do you have any idea who that could be?"

"She's dead?"


I turn away, looking at Adalee in the room through the windows. "It can't be."

"What is it?"

"It's her mom," I whisper.

"Say that again?"

"It's her mother."


I'm in so much pain. My back is killing me. There's something on it that's making it burn and I want to just take it off. They must have put some sort of cream on it or bandaged it up but whatever it is, it kills.

I try to move but I can't, my body feels too heavy to move.

I try opening my eyes but when they flutter open, the lights burn so I close them again.

I open them again and this time I take a look around my surroundings.

I'm in the hospital. How did I get here? I try to remember what happened a few hours ago but I can't. My minds blank. Did Braxton bring me here?

"Oh good you're awake," I hear someone say. I turn my head and a nurse walks through the door, coming upto me. She writes something down on her board and then places the back of her hand on my head.

"How are you feeling?"

"Okay I guess," I answer quietly.

"You were quite bruised up but we managed to clean you up and stitch up any cuts."

I reach for my face and I feel the stitches, hissing out a pained groan.

"There's someone waiting for you outside," she then says with a smile on her face.

She leaves the room and then Braxton walks in, quickly walking towards me. "Hey you." He looks so sad, his expression looked different. It looked so painful. I don't like seeing him like this. He had blood on his shirt which I'm guessing was mine.

He takes a seat on the bed and grabs my hand, placing a kiss on the back of it. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm alright. Everything hurts though," I say in a quiet tone. "What even happened?"

"You passed out when you came to mine, by the way dumb choice because running made you lose consciousness," he says earning a chuckle from me. "And then I drove you here."

I let out a sigh. "What happened to my dad?"

"He got away but the police are looking for him at his house, their going to get him okay don't worry."

I lay back down on the bed as I'm no longer feeling overwhelmed. I'm so glad this is getting sorted.

"There's something else that you should know," he then says slowly. I turn to him. "What is it?"

"It's your mom."

I feel my stomach turn. "What happened? Is she okay."

"She's gone Cello, I'm so sorry."

"What do you mean gone? Gone where," I raise my voice, panic moving it's way in.

"Your dad hurt her. When the officers went by your house, they said they found a body."

"No no no it can't be, it can't." Tears start falling down and braxton gets in the bed with me, grabbing me into his arms, hugging me tight.

"I shouldn't have left her there, I was so selfish. I knew I shouldn't have ran away."

"Don't do that Adalee. You had to. To save yourself. If you were there any longer, who knows what could have happened. You had to make a choice okay and it was the right one, I'm so proud of you. I'm so proud that you got yourself out of there," he tells me reassuringly, giving me kisses on my forehead.

I continue to sob in his chest until we got interrupted by a knock at the door. I turn over and there was an officer waiting by the door. "There's something you should know," he begins, walking up to us and taking a seat on the bedside.

"Your fathers not at the house, we found empty wardrobes and his things were gone, it looks like he fled. Both rooms were empty. But we've called airports and the ferry borders, we will get him."

I suddenly remembered something. "Oh gosh no, Aiden. Was he there? Did you find him there?"

"Aiden? Who is aiden?" The officer asks me.

"My little brother, he's 11 years old, he lives with my dad, he should have been there, is he here with you?" I sounded eager but I had to know.

"No we didn't find a young boy, but his room was empty too."

"He took him, I can't believe it, he took him," I turn to Braxton, tears starting to fall from my face. He quickly wraps his arms around me, trying to calm me down.

"We'll do everything we can Miss Celeste, we're looking at possible camera footage from the neighbours to see if we could find anything and then we'll let you know," he then says, making his way out of the room.

"I promised him Braxton. I promised him that I wouldn't let anything happen to him and look at what just happened. He can't go," I cry to him.

"It's okay, it's okay, they'll find him alright? I just know it."

Adalee Where stories live. Discover now