Chapter 39:

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I'm pacing around, walking down the corridor and then walking back up it. Hospitals are not my thing.

I'm also getting flashbacks of me being back here a while ago and it is not great.

Parker's currently getting checked on in this room but they haven't told me anything yet. They better hurry because I am the least patient person.

I quickly remembered to call Josh so I get my phone out and ring him.

"Adalee?" I hear his voice.

"The nurses are doing checks on him, they haven't told me anything yet," I tell him.

"Are you okay? Did you get cleaned up? There was some blood on your clothes."

"Oh erm." I look down to see what he was talking about and there was blood splattered on my top and then my own blood on the jacket when I tried wiping my hands.

"I don't really have extra clothes on me so," I then tell him, my eyes getting watery.

"Alright, stay calm. I'll get something sorted for you okay?"

"Okay." And then he hangs up.

20 minutes or so goes by as I'm sitting down, still waiting for a nurse to come talk to me.

"Where's room 218?" I hear a voice yell down the corridor.

I turn my head and I see Braxton arguing with the lady at the desk. "Braxton?" I call out as I get up from my seat.

He seemed to have heard me and quickly walked to me. "She tells me the room number but she won't say the direction, how pathetic," he says as he's walking closer to me now.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him.

"Here." I look down at his hand and he's carrying a bag with a top inside. "Josh rang Quinn and then she found me and told me you needed a change of clothes."

"Thanks," I smile at him as I take the bag from his hand.

"Go change in the toilets, I'll let you know if anyone says anything."

I nod and then make my way to a bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror and let out a sigh. I'm a mess alright.

I go inside a cubicle and quickly take my jacket and top off. Then I put the new light pink top on and then place the dirty clothes in the bag. I get out and make my way to Braxton.

"Any news?" I ask him as he notices me. He takes the bag off my hands and places it on the chair.

"No, nothing."

I take a seat on a chair and just wait. "Adalee."

"You don't need to say anything." I interrupt him.

"You're mad at me." I don't say anything to that.

"Talk to me please."


"Adalee I'm sorry."

"You could have killed him."

"I was angry Adalee, you have to understand that and why are you defending him?"

"I'm not defending anyone Braxton, you are both in the wrong but we could have dealt with it differently. You're the one that hit him first."

"I'm sorry."

"I'm not the one you should be apologising to."

"No I'm sorry for being the cause of you hurting your head, that wasn't my intention. And I'm sorry for making you upset."

"I'm still not taking to you," I tell him, crossing my hands.

I hear him let out a groan.

"Make things right with Parker and then we can talk."

"You have got to be kidding me," I hear him mumble under his breath.

A nurse comes out of Parker's room. Finally.

"Is he going to be okay?" I ask her.

"Yes, you can go see him now."

"Thank you." I tell her and then quickly walk in the room. He's laying down on his bed, his eyes closed but they flutter open as soon as he heard me walk in. He has stitches on top of his eyebrow and then one on his cheek and on his upper lip. He face looks swollen so there will probably be a bruise forming any time soon.

He smiles as he sees me walking towards him. "What you doing here?" He asks but his voice was really low.

"I was waiting, I wanted to make sure you were okay."

I take a seat on a chair next to him and hold his hand. Braxton then enters the room but he doesn't say anything but only watches us. "I'm sorry." He then says.

"No don't apologise, you shouldn't be apologising."

"If I knew you were back with Braxton, I wouldn't have kissed you."

"It's okay Parker, we forgive you, don't we," I grit the last bit out as I face Braxton and raise my eyebrows at him. He looks at me annoyed but then he nods his face.

"Braxton wants to tell you something," I then tell Parker.

I look at Braxton and he looks at me like I've totally just lost it. I give Braxton the eyes and usher him to say something.

"Yeah er I'm sorry man. For hitting you. That wasn't cool."

I then smile at Braxton, very pleased with his apology. He continues to give me a look, a crease lining up on his forehead.

"I gotta get going Parker but I can come again to see how you are," I then tell him.

"No it's alright, I won't be here for long. I'll see you at school," he then tells me.

I nod my head and get up from my seat to give him a hug. I turn around and walk towards braxton. "Give him a hug," I whisper shout at him.

"No freaking way," he then whisper shouts back.

"Just go do it."


"I can hear you guys you know," Parker then speaks up.

I cross my arms, continuing to look at Braxton as I'm waiting for him to hug Parker.

Braxton doesn't move but then finally he lets out a groan and looks at the ceiling. Then he starts to walk slowly towards Parker and gives him a tap on his shoulder.

Then he quickly walks back out of the room. I let out a sigh but it's something at least. I wave Parker goodbye and then leave the room.

"I can't believe you made me do that," he then tells me as we're making our way outside.

"Braxton stop being a baby. You literally only gave him a tap."

"Hey it's better than nothing."

I let out a small laugh. He then shoves me to the side. "Hey." I shove him back but as he tried to do it back again, I quickly ran from him.

As I'm running, I turn my head around to see if he was close but but then he grabs me from behind, lifting me off my feet. I giggle, trying to get out of his grasp. "Gotchya," he rasps near me ear.

He lets me back down again, but he holds my hand. I look at him, smiling at him and he holds my face in both his hands and pulls me in to kiss me.

His lips felt soft on mine. It wasn't too fast or rough but slow and steady. When we pull back a little, he keeps his forehead on mine. "Are we okay?" He says lowly.

I smile at him in awe. "We're okay."

Adalee Where stories live. Discover now