Chapter 33:

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"You okay?"

I nod my head. "Yeah I am."

"You don't need to hide it you know, I'm here for you when you need it."

"I'm really fine, don't worry."

"We can talk about it if you want, I have all day."

"I'm just gonna go get a refill," I tell Quinn, giving her a small smile and then get up and head to the front to refill my coffee.

Me and Quinn are currently at my place of work, the cafe, but instead of working we're here to have a drink and talk but we're not doing so much of the talking since I'm no longer in the mood.

I just can't talk about it, at least not yet. I haven't broken down or anything and I'm trying so hard. I'm still questioning why I haven't broke yet.

Everyone thinks there's something wrong with me but really there isn't. Im totally fine. I keep telling them that everything is okay but they don't believe me.

It's only been 1 week since the breakup and I'm totally okay, there's no need to worry, I've completely forgotten all about it now.

As I go behind the counter, refilling my coffee, Josh approaches me with an annoyed face. "You're not meant to be back here."

"Excuse me?"

"Customers are meant to be over there, not here."

"Are you trying to tell me that I can't come behind here to refill my own coffee at my own workplace."

"Customers can't do that and from what I can see you are not working, you are a customer so sit back and get a waiter to do it."

I let out a sigh. "You're no fun."

"Im lots of fun, what you talking about."

"Loser." But I mutter that to myself.

I go and head back to Quinn and take a seat again. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes Quinn I'm fine, I even look fine."

"No you really don't."

I let out a sigh. "Do you want to talk about it," she then says.

"Nope not at all, it's okay."

"Would you want me to tell you if I see him or no?"

"Don't tell me."

"What if he was with the brunette chick."

"What? Okay yes tell me."

"Saw her clinging onto him at lunch, they were taking a stroll together outside. He wasn't too happy about it but she looked like she was off to the moon."

My chest gets a little heavy. I shouldn't be hurt right? He's hanging out with her so what. I shouldn't get upset about that. He can do whatever he wants.

It's just not what I expected you know. I thought he cared. About me. Enough to at least come find me and have a talk. But instead he's hanging out with the other lady.

"I shouldn't have said anything," Quinn then says.

"No no, it's totally okay, I made you tell me anyways, it's okay I'm fine, see I'm totally okay," I tell her with the most happiest face ever.

She gives me a reassuring smile and we continue to finish our drinks and then head out. She gives me a hug goodbye and then I head home.

As soon as I walk inside the house, I go upstairs and close my bedroom door, leaning against it. I shrink to the floor and curl myself up into a ball with my head in my chest.

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