Chapter 42:

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I got a jackpot of books people. I am so excited to read these. But the bag is kind of heavy. It's literally making me fall to the side because it's not balancing right with me.

I had such an amazing time, the library was beautiful. I can't believe Braxton even remembered about it. I've maybe only brought it up once or twice during conversations.

I've never been to the one he took me too and it was one thing on my bucket list that I've been wishing to go to.

Obviously I've been to a library but I've been meaning to go to those very huge fancy ones that look so mesmerising to look at. Now I can finally tick it off the list. Whoop.

I place the bag on the doorstep as I reach for my keys and then unlock my door. I walk in and place the bag to the side as I make my way to the guest room to check on mom.

I see that she's sleeping peacefully so I head to the kitchen to get a snack but I pause when I feel someone else's presence in the room with me. I look around and I see his back facing towards me.


No reply.

"What are you doing here? Is aiden here too?" I ask him, looking around to see if aiden was here too.

"No, just me."

I'm kind of worried. I don't like the way this is going right now. Something feels wrong. He never comes here without Aiden. "Did you need something?"

He then gets up from his seat and turns around making me let out a gasp as I take in what I see. He has a piece of cloth around his neck, holding up his arm in place as it seems to be broken and he has a purple mark on his cheek.

"Wh- what happened?" I say quietly, getting very worried right now. Send help.

"Your friend payed me a visit."

Wait what? Who is he talking about? "Who?" I ask him.

"Who do you think?" He then yells, slamming his other hand on the table, making me jump. I swear my heart left my body right then and there.

"I told you to keep your fucking mouth shut and look what happened. I can't believe you snitched after what I fucking told you. You disobeyed me," he grits out.

"I- I didn't, I-" I stutter, not knowing what to say.

He then quickly makes his way towards me and I take a couple of steps back but then my back hits the wall.

He approaches me and grabs a handful of my hair and yanks it as he takes me to the hallway. I manage to get him off as I pull his hand away but then he slaps me.

"I'm going to teach you a lesson," he then says, making my stomach turn.

"No please no, please I'm sorry," I say quietly as I hold my face.

He then reaches for his belt, my eyes widening. He's never done this before, he only uses his hands.

He pushes me on the ground, holding me down with his foot. I try to get up but he puts pressure on my back even more. Before I could register what happened next I felt the sharp pain hit my back, making me scream,

He does it again. And again. And again. Making it hard for me to get up as the pain gets worse each time I move.

He throws it on the floor and then kicks me on the stomach, making me let out a weak groan as all the air in my lungs stopped. Make it stop. Then he kicks my face, pain making its way through my nose as I try holding it but it just makes the pain worse.

I try shielding my face but it's no use, he continues to kick me. I look on the ground and I see blood spilling out of me. My eyes half open as I'm starting to feel a little dizzy. Oh gosh no.

Then he stops and yells for me to get up but I don't. I can't. I try lifting myself up but I fall back down again. It hurts. Everything hurts.

He then walks into the kitchen and I can hear him fiddling around with the utensils and my stomach drops when I hear him open the drawer where the knives were.

Okay you can do it Adalee. Just get up and make a run for it. Come on. We can do it.

I try lifting myself up but the pain in my back begin to make its way in and I fall back down again. I don't have much time, come on.

I ignore the pain and my groans as I force myself to get up and putting myself on my knees. And then when I slowly get up my head suddenly feels so heavy. Everything around me is moving and there's blood everywhere.

I hear footsteps so without thinking I quickly open the door and make a run for it. "Adalee you piece of shit, get back here right now," I hear him screaming as his voice sounded like it was coming closer. But I don't look back. I run and run, ignoring the pain shooting from every direction in my body. I don't stop. I don't stop to have a break. Even when my body needs one, I just run.

I don't know what I was doing. Where was I going to go? I was just running and everything around me wasn't clear. There was something wrong with my eyesight. Then I decide to go to his place so I hurry and make that left turn.

I stop running as i'm slowly arriving at his house and take a breather. I then walk up to the front door and lightly knock as I've lost all my energy to move any further.

I continue to knock when I don't hear anyone on the other side, panic erupting me. I knock again and again. My knocks getting fainter each time as I have not energy left in me.

I look around me and I notice his car wasn't in the driveway. Oh please no, how did I miss that.

I lean my head on the door, my eyes forcing it's way to close. Then I shrink to the floor, my body laying against the door as I wait.

I don't know how long it's been but I hear a car pulling in, making me open my eyes. They got blinded a bit by the headlights but it was definitely a car and I wasn't imagining it. But everything was blurry when I tried to see who it was.

Adalee Where stories live. Discover now