The Truth

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Adam's Perspective-


There was silence before Joel sighed.

"It's not my story to tell..." He mumbled.

"Please...I just want to know." Adam whispered.

Joel hesitated, "You're not any better at keeping secrets, right?"

"I'm getting better! I just want to make sure our friend is okay and that he's not just trying to avoid me..."

"I promise you, Scar's not trying to avoid you- "

"Then tell me why he's constantly not showing up to our hangouts."

Joel sighed, "Alright...I will. Just...don't freak out, alright?"

Adam nodded, "I won't. I promise."

"And don't tell anyone either. If you do, you'll actually be in huge trouble."

Adam got worried about whether or not Scar was okay, but he swallowed his worries and said,

"I won't."

"Alright, well you probably have figured this out by now but...Scar...he's..." Joel sighed.

"Just spit it out already!" Adam shouted.

"Fine, jeez! No need to be so rude."

"You're making it seem like a big deal- "

"He's Hot Guy, okay? There, I said it." Joel said quickly.

Adam's jaw dropped and Joel chuckled.

"Yeah, I had a similar reaction." He smiled.

"Wait- how long have you known this? How come you never told me? Has Scar been Hot Guy this entire time?"

"I've known for a bit, actually."

"And why the heck did he choose the name Hot Guy? I thought you were the egotistical one in our group." Adam said and Joel laughed.

"Remember, don't tell anyone, alright?" Joel said in a more serious tone.

Adam nodded, "Right."

"Great. See you on tomorrow." Joel hung up and Adam sat on his bed, his brain slowly connecting the dots.

Grian's Perspective-

Monday Morning-

Grian woke up the next day and yawned.

It was around eight in the morning, and Grian was exhausted.

He had a hard time falling asleep last night.

Grian stretched and picked up his phone, seeing a bunch of messages from Scar.

He was confused, before realizing that what he had thought was a dream actually happened last night.

FRICK! I didn't mean to hit send! Why did I do that?! I was so tired I didn't realize what I was doing was real.

Grian sighed and hid his face in his hands.

What am I gonna do?


Grian planned on spending the day doing his best to avoid Scar at all costs.

I can't face the rejection. I can't handle having everything fall apart.

Tears formed in Grian's eyes, and he heard someone knock on the door.

Grian jumped and opened the door to see his father.

Andrew's eyes widened as he saw Grian's tears.

"What happened? Is everything okay?" He asked and Grian quickly wiped his eyes.

"U-um yeah, I- I'm okay." Grian forced a smile and Andrew frowned.

" can tell me when something's bothering you."

Grian sighed, "I accidentally told someone I liked them."

Andrew's eyes widened.

"And I...I don't want to know their response because I'm so scared, I messed everything up." Grian sobbed and Andrew hugged his son.

Grian hugged back and cried for a couple minutes.

Andrew rubbed circles on Grian's back, who slowly caught his breath.

"You know...maybe what you did isn't a bad thing."

Grian wiped his eyes, "What do you mean?"

"You took this risk because you want to be something more to this person, right? Well, now you can be."

"But what if they rejected me?"

"That just means they weren't meant for you. But it'll be okay."

"I'm just scared I messed up our friendship."

"I'm sure you didn't. You're a wonderful person, Grian, and I'm sure this person loves you just as much as I do."

Grian smiled weakly.

"Now, I'm going to make breakfast. Let me know what happens." Andrew kisses his son's forehead before walking downstairs.

Grian stares at his phone before picking it up. 

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