Cookies From A Friend

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Scar's Perspective-

Ever since his conversation with Grian yesterday, Scar was determined to be on Grian's good side and make him a friend.

The only question was how to get on that side.

Scar thought he was already Grian's friend, considering how well their conversation went when they walked to school the other morning. But after Grian called him annoying, maybe he was being too talkative.

Today, Scar had a plan: have Grian do most of the talking and join in a bit to get Grian to laugh and/or smile.

Scar and Grian started walking to school together and Scar kept glancing at him nervously. Grian had a resting face that made it hard to read what he was feeling.

Scar glanced at Grian again, and they made eye contact.

"You alright? You keep staring at me." Grian said.

"M-me? Yeah! I'm fine." Scar said, smiling nervously.

Please don't call me annoying, please don't call me annoying, please don't call me-

"Okay good, just wanted to make sure."

Scar nods.

They fell silent again.

Grian looks at Scar.

"Are you...sure you're okay?" He asked.

"Y-yep!" Scar said, planting a smile on his face.



"I've just never seen you this quiet."

"Just...trying new things?"

Grian giggled and Scar smiled brightly.

"I talked to Hot Guy yesterday." Grian said, changing the subject.

"Oh really? How was it?"

Grian shrugs, "He's kind of annoying."

Scar's eye twitched.

Doesn't matter who I play as, he still thinks I'm annoying.

"He kept asking about how he could be friends with me, which I don't know why he would want to be in the first place."

"Well you're cool!"

Grian looks up at Scar, who smiles shyly, hoping he didn't say something wrong.

Grian smiles weakly, "Thanks, I guess."

"So am I on your good side?" Scar asked, batting his eyes.

Grian laughed, "Maybe. I don't know."

"What do you mean 'you don't know'?"

Grian smirked and Scar sighed.

"You're too difficult." He muttered.

"I know." Grian smiled proudly and Scar smiled softly.


Scar and Grian were walking home together, and Scar invited Grian over to hang out.

Grian hesitated and turned down his offer.

"Really? Are you sure? Aren't you normally alone until your dad gets home?" Scar asked and Grian waved him off.

"It's fine, really."

Scar didn't look convinced and Grian looked away.

"I'm used to being alone..."

"But you shouldn't have to be." Scar said softly, trying to put his hand on Grian's shoulder.

Grian moved away and ignored Scar's concerned expression.

"It's fine, it's whatever."

Scar sighed, "Yeah...alright. See you tomorrow?"


Later (Grian's Perspective)-

Grian heard someone knock on the door and he was confused.

He looked out the nearby window and saw a plate on the doorstep.

Grian opened the door and saw a plate of cookies with a letter on them.

He picked up the plate and took them inside, setting them down on the counter before unfolding the letter.

'Hey Gri, I made some cookies and thought you might like some. Maybe we can bake some together another time, it'd be fun! Let me know how you like them. -Scar'

Grian blushed a bit and smiled.

"Thanks, Scar." He whispered to himself before grabbing one of the cookies and eating it. 

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