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Grian's Perspective-

"And now you just lightly sprinkle some sugar and cinnamon on top!" Scar said, doing one as an example before handing Grian the sugar, "Just like that!"

Grian spread some of the sugar and cinnamon on top of the muffins they made, and Scar helped him.

They finished and Scar laughed, causing Grian to flush red.

"What? Why are you laughing?" Grian asked.

Scar chuckled, "You got cinnamon on your face. You're supposed to get it on the muffins, not you."

Grian blushed and rubbed his cheek, Scar still laughing a bit.

"Stop laughing at me!" Grian shouted, embarrassed.

"You're like a muffin! A cute little muffin!" Scar giggled and Grian was a blushing mess.

"Stop it with the nicknames!"

Scar smiled at Grian, and Grian blushed and looked away.

"It's a compliment. I'm saying you're cute."

"You think I'm cute?" Grian asked, looking at Scar.

Scar's eyes widened and he blushed.

"I- umm...come help me clean the dishes." Scar said, grabbing the muffin pan.

Grian giggled and grabbed the measuring cups.

"You think I'm cute?" Grian repeated, poking Scar's cheek.

"Oh so now you're okay with teasing."

"It's only okay to tease when I do it to you." Grian said, smiling cheekily.

Scar playfully splashed water at Grian, who laughed and swatted his arm.

"Stop!" He giggled.

"Make me." Scar smirked and Grian rolled his eyes.

"You're such a tease."

"I know."

Grian smiled softly and helped Scar dry the dishes before putting them away.

"Nice job Muffin." Scar said, ruffling Grian's hair.

"Is that what you're calling me now?" Grian asked.


Grian chuckled, "You're annoying."

"I get that a lot."

Grian smiled and Scar put a muffin on a plate.

"Ready to try our muffins?" Scar asked, giving the plate to Grian.

Grian nods and their hands brush together, causing him to flush red.

"You okay?" Scar asks, noticing Grian's red face.

"Hm? O-oh! Yeah." Grian laughs nervously and his smile fades as Scar turns away.

That Night-

Grian laid in bed and stared up at the ceiling, thinking about Scar. It was currently midnight, and he hadn't been able to sleep.

"Ugh- I can't stop thinking about him. What is wrong with me?" Grian whispered, sighing.

"You like a muffin! A cute little muffin!" Scar's voice rang through Grian's head.

Cute. He thinks I'm cute.

Grian grabbed his phone and pulled up the messages between him and Scar.

Grian took a deep breath before typing out the message 'I think I like you' and hitting send.

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