Beginning Life Here

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Grian's Perspective-

Grian walked into the auditorium and saw the teachers taking attendance.

They looked up when he walked in, and he smiled nervously.

"H-hello. I'm Grian, the new student." He said.

The teacher flipped through her attendance sheet before nodding.

"Sit where you'd like. Somewhere near the front though, we're about to introduce what we're doing for our spring show."

Grian nods and he scurries his way to the third row.

He listens for his name in the attendance when he feels someone tap his shoulder.

Grian jumps and turns around to see a dirty blonde smiling goofily.

"Er- hi?" Grian whispered.

"Hi, I'm Jimmy." The guy whispered.

"I'm Grian."

"The new kid, right?" Jimmy asked and Grian nodded.

Jimmy shut up when he noticed one of the teacher's, Ms. Pierce, glare at him.

After finishing attendance, the teachers put up a PowerPoint of what they were going to be performing.

"So this year, we're going to be performing Puffs!" The other teacher Mrs. Hasley, who was wearing a much more colorful outfit, said.

Some people clapped but one person shouted,


There was a burst of laughter and the teachers sighed.

"Puffs is basically Harry Potter, but it's more focused on the Hufflepuffs, and it shines the light on three main characters that you don't see in the books." Ms. Pierce explained, "Scripts will be passed out tomorrow, then we'll have auditions next week."

The teachers explained what it was about and some of the characters and Jimmy, the kid sitting behind Grian, seemed excited.

"Who're you gonna audition for?" Grian asked.

"I would love to try out for the main character, but I may try someone else. What about you?"

Grian shrugs, "Not sure."

"Did you do theatre at your old school?"

Grian nods.

"What roles did you do?"

"Mostly middle to smaller roles. Either that or I was backstage."

"Oh cool!"

Grian smiles nervously.

"Have you looked around town a lot yet? If you want, we can hang out after school, and I can show you some places." Jimmy said.

"Really? That sounds like fun!"

Jimmy nods, "Meet me outside of the library after school and I can show you around the nearby mall."


Grian and Jimmy were getting to know each other while they walked around the mall, and Jimmy was very funny and kind, yet also very clumsy and he was fun to tease.

"I looked up the script online and Cedric is a medium roll; I might try out for him!" Jimmy said as they waited in line to get some pretzels.

Grian raised an eyebrow, "Isn't Cedric supposed to know...handsome?"

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