Behind The Mask

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Scar's Perspective-

"Your town has a superhero?!"

Scar nodded, "Yep!"

"I thought you said things were normal here!"

Scar raised an eyebrow, "Er- it is normal and- why are you looking at me like that?"

"Having a superhero in your town isn't normal! Do you just have so much crime that you need one? And how does someone even get superpowers?"

"Not sure. I mean, it's not like I'm the superhero." Scar said, laughing nervously.

Grian was puzzled, "It just doesn't make sense. Have you ever left the city?"

"No. I can't."

"What do you mean 'you can't'?"

Scar looks caught and he laughs nervously.

"I- I mean, everything I want is here! Why would I leave?"

Grian shakes his head and he sighed.

"And here I was thinking this place was normal."

"I'm sure you can still live a pretty normal life!"

"With a superhero running around? How is that possible?"

"Don't worry, Hot Guy is cool, I'm sure you'll be fine."

"Yeah, and he calls himself 'Hot Guy'. Are you sure this guy isn't just an egotistical rich guy trying to get attention?"

Scar's eye twitched and he huffed.

"He isn't egotistical." Scar muttered.

"Whatever, I can't deal with this right now. Do you know where physics is?"

"Yeah, it's in building 2. Want me to walk with you?"

"No, I'm sure I can find it." Grian said, waving Scar off before leaving.

Scar sighed and shrugged before walking to his locker.

He saw his friend Adam waiting for him and smiled.

"Hey Adam!" Scar said, running up to him.

Adam smiled and high fived Scar.

"Hey Scar, how're you doing?"

Scar shrugged, "I'm alright. This new kid moved in across the street and my mom wants me to get to know him."

Adam chuckled, "Sounds fun."

"I mean, he's not the worst."

"Well, I gotta head to class before Ms. Minert kills me for being late again."


Scar and Joel were stuck in chemistry together, a class that Scar was much better at.

"I swear I don't understand this teacher. It's like he's speaking in riddles." Joel whispered and Scar chuckled.

"It's easy, you're just dumb." Scar said, smirking.

Joel rolled his eyes and kicked Scar under the desk.

"Ow, damn alright I'm sorry. Just ask your girlfriend to help you if you're struggling."

"She won't help me; she'll just show me her notes which she wrote it in literal code so only she can understand it."

Scar raised an eyebrow and Joel sighed.

"I asked to borrow her history notes and it literally said 'those girlypops were not cool, they did not slay'."

Scar laughed and the teacher cleared his throat, causing Scar to shut up.

The teacher continued to write on the whiteboard and Scar got back to taking notes.

"But seriously, I don't understand how you can balance out this stuff with your superhero patrols." Joel whispered after a couple of minutes.

Joel was the only one of Scar's friends who knew that he was Hot Guy. Joel was actually pretty good at keeping that secret, which is exactly why they never mentioned it to Adam. Adam had a reputation of ruining surprises and telling secrets.

When he was four, on his older sister's birthday, he was supposed to grab her from her room and take her outside for her final birthday present. He instead just flat out told her that she got a bike which ruined the whole surprise (which, according to him, he still feels guilty about to this day).

Scar shrugs, "You get into a rhythm."

"I guess, but I can barely juggle school on top of my life."

"What life? You literally just go home and sleep or play video games."

"Exactly." Joel winks.

Scar sighs and rolls his eyes, "I still don't understand how you're the only one in our friend group who's been able to get a girl."

"And a cute one at that."

Scar chuckles, "You're such a simp."

"Shut up!" Joel snapped, and the teacher sighed.

"Boys, do you have to keep interrupting me or can you stay quiet for at least one lesson?"

"Sorry Mr. Maya." Joel and Scar said in unison and Mr. Maya shook his head.

"I hope you two took notes and paid at least some attention as we have a pop quiz this Friday."

Joel looked nervous and Scar simply shrugged.

Joel groaned, "I'm so failing this unit." 

that notes thing I actually based off of my sister. She gave me her notes (she's older than me) to use for the class that she took before and I literally had no idea what she meant. I had to go to her to ask for a translation XD

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