The 'Normal' Life

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Grian's Perspective-

One Week Later-

Grian woke up at the smell of pancakes.

He grumbled and sat up. He yawned and stretched before walking downstairs.

"Hey buddy! How'd you sleep?" Andrew asked, smiling at his son before turning back to the pancakes he was cooking.

"Fine. Why'd you make pancakes?"

"Because it's your first day at a new school! That deserves pancakes."

Grian smiled weakly.

"You go ahead and eat; I'll join you in a second." Andrew said, handing Grian a plate of pancakes.

Grian sat down and poured syrup on his pancakes before beginning to eat.

"These taste great, thanks!" Grian said, his mouthful.

Andrew chuckled, "Aw, course bud! Are you excited for school?"

Grian shrugs, "It'll be the same as Orange Blossom, I just don't know anyone."

"You know Scar. Bella said he can walk with you to school."

"Oh- great."

Andrew looked up at his son and noticed his expression.

"Do you...wanna talk about anything?" Andrew asked.

"Hm?, I'm okay."

"Grian- "

"I'm gonna go get ready for school." Grian said, leaving the table.

He walked upstairs and heard his father sigh before muttering something under his breath.


Grian walked to the front door and Andrew stopped him before he left.

"I just wanted to remind you that I love you. I know times aren't the best, but we need each other the most now. So if there's anything you wanna talk about, I'm here."

Grian smiled, "Thanks dad. I gotta go now."

Andrew nodded and kissed his forehead before letting him leave.

Grian walked outside and jumped as he saw Scar right there.

"I- Scar! What are you doing here?" Grian hissed and Scar stepped back, embarrassed.

"I was just gonna walk with you. I didn't expect you to walk out at the same time I was gonna knock." Scar laughed nervously and Grian rolled his eyes.

"Yeah alright, let's just get going." Grian said.

Scar nods and follows Grian.

"Wait- shouldn't I be leading?" Scar asked.

"How did you get elected as student body president?"

"I- hey! I worked hard and achieved what I wanted. My job is to help people."

Grian shrugged and Scar pressed a button to cross the street.

Scar rocked on his heels while whistling a tune, waiting for the light to say that they could cross.

Grian sighed, a bit impatient. He looked both ways before beginning to cross the street.

"Wha- hey! Where are you going? The crosswalk didn't say we could go yet!" Scar called.

"It's fine, there's no cars."

Scar grumbled and he quickly followed Grian across the street.

"Wow, you survived." Grian said sarcastically and Scar shot him a glare.

"I just went against all my morals." He whispered.

"Dude, you just crossed a street before the light. It's fine. There were no cars coming anyway, you were safe."

Scar looked away and Grian hesitated before sighing.

"I'm sorry. I won't do that around you again." Grian said.

Scar smiled, "Thanks, that'd mean a lot to me."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Let's just get going to school." Grian said, walking along the sidewalk.

Scar smiled and walked next to his new friend.

"So what classes are you taking?" He asked.

Grian shrugged, "Nothing special. I picked theatre, but I don't know if they'll let me join. It's already halfway through the school year."

"I think you could join. They just finished their last play, so you could join before the next one starts."

Grian hummed, "We'll see."

They walked in silence until Scar looked over at Grian.

"So you like theatre?" Scar asked.

Grian shrugged, "Yeah, it's pretty fun."

"What do you like about it?"

"Mostly just the acting. I don't really like being a part of musicals and sometimes the people are annoying."

Scar nods, "But it'll be better here!"

Grian raises an eyebrow, "You do theatre?"

", but I heard it's good."

Grian sighs, "Let's hope."


They walked through the crowded hall and Grian looked around, picking up on some people's conversations.

"Did you see the Hot Guy fan page updated yesterday?" A girl squealed and Grian raised an eyebrow.

Must be some rich spoiled brat who calls himself that.

"I saw him on patrol yesterday, his name doesn't lie!" Another girl said, jumping up and down in excitement.


Grian was confused and turned to Scar.

"Who the heck is Hot Guy?" Grian asked.

"Ohh, yeah that's our town's superhero."

Grian blinked, "Your town has a superhero?!"

that's the first three chapters of Black & Blue. Let me know what you think! Also I got the title from Ingrid Michaelson's song Black & Blue, so go listen to it, I really like that song and it inspired me to write this.

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