Mental Checklist (-Cryptor)

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Up until now, I've been drawing up a checklist for what I want to do now that I'm alive. A few are musts, but I'm sure some of them I won't be able to do.

Here's what I got written down so far in my head;

To do:

-take over the world

-revive nindroid army somehow

-visit Dr Borg

-kill Dr Borg

-Kill P.I.X.A.L.

-Kill Zane

-Kill Lloyd

-kill rest of ninja

-revive overlord.

-kill Wu and Sensei garmadon

-gain magic powers (optional)

-find a cool new weapon (optional)

(End of list)

Unfortunately... my list has changed drastically, now that... things have happened.

Here's my new list;

-revive nindroid army

-take over world

-kill overlord

-kill Crystal Council

-Kill Harumi in a REALLY painful way. (or let Mr. E do it, I don't care.)

-betray ninjas.

-scare Zane

-teach Mr. E spinjitzu/airjitzu (at some point)

-bring Min-droid back from the dead (optional)

-kill min-droid (mandatory)

(End of list)

As you can see, my goals have been forced to change. But eventually, I should be able to rethink on some of the ideas I scrapped.

Like, most of the 'kill so-and-so', but after me and Mr. E betray the ninja.

Speaking of Mr. E and me, right now, we're looking around this place. Checking out the computers.

Well I am, Mr. E isn't really paying attention, he's just following me right now. Like a shadow. Shadowing? I feel like that's a word.

I play around with the computers in the base, looking around at security. Ooh, the ninja are arriving in just a few minutes!

An hand slaps my hand away from a nearby keyboard.

"Jeez, 'E, what was that for?!" I said, shaking my hand. Ouch he had strong hands.

"Hands off!" I hear Pixal yell. "Stay away from my tech!"

Oh nevermind, Mr. E is just watching us like a fool. Pixal was the one to slap my hand away.

"Well..." I said, thinking of something to say. "It's actually Borg property, which yes, belongs to you."

"But it also belongs to me." I said. She scowled at me and glared.

"Maybe the parts, but Nya built these computers. So... hands off!" She said.

"I thought you said they were yours..?" I laughed.

"They're samurai x property." She said. "Now get your computer virus hands off of my tech."

I took my hands away.

"Virus infected?! You don't have to be so pressed about it, you know. You're supposed to be nice to me!"

"No one's told me that." Pixal scoffed. "Now step away and go find something else to meddle with."

I pushed her almost over before leaving, I had an unbothered smirk on my face, but as soon as I turned I glared. I grabbed Mr. E's shoulder and dragged him away too. He shook his head, as if being taken out of his thoughts.

'Why was 'virus' such an insult..?' He hand signed.

"Well it's not really an insult for nindroids, as you know, but me and the rest of my army were result of a computer virus, or what was left of the overlord." I shrugged. "So I guess she's just calling me 'tainted' or 'unclean'."

"Even then, that's not why I'm mad, it's just outrageous how she thinks she can talk back to me, let alone give me a slap on the wrist and a 'talking-to'..." I scoffed.

He didn't respond, he just looked back at Pixal, who was probably checking to see if I did anything she'd need to fix. I elbowed him.

"Are you even listening..?!" I hissed. He snapped his head back and nodded hastily.

I looked around the room.

"Screw checking this place out, wanna get ready to scare the ninja when they get back? I saw them, they'll be here in five."

He tilted his head before shrugging and nodding.

"Ooh, boxes." I smiled. "Perfect hiding place, and we can just talk until they get here."

I thought for a second.

"Well... I can talk, and you can listen." I said. "Come on."

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