Waterlogged (-Mr. E)

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"What is that?!" Nya exclaimed. Lloyd shook his head

"It's the Overlord. He's returned." Lloyd said.

I looked at the ship began to move. I over heard everyone speaking.

Wu spoke into his communicator. 

"Cole. Kai. Do you copy?"


"Negative. Pull back. All of you! We are not ready for this..."

No one looked our way, they were too focused on Lloyd explaining about the overlord. I walked over to see Cryptor, flopped on the wood deck of the flying ship.

"Still can't walk?" I signed, trying to get his attention. He just laid there, looking up at me.

"What, bitter I threw you?" I signed, pointing at him. he turned away. He wouldn't be able to see me sign, and I've talked in front of people enough for one day.

I kicked him. Nothing. Which was weird.

I wasn't going to get a reaction out of him that way. I sighed without a sound and looked around us. I heard Lloyd yelling just behind me a few paces.


I was hit from behind with a gust of water, my energy mixed and electrocuted me, sending me to the floor.

I turned to stand up, my body shook every now and then with shocks, I saw the water ninja being almost tackled by Lloyd as he pushed her out of the way.

"Nya! What are you doing?!" he shouted. "I was just about to tell you about our truce!"

"Okay... first of all, you tell me that there's TWO Mr. E's, now you tell me, he's on OUR SIDE?!"

"Uhhh... that's not all of it." Lloyd muttered. "It's uh, General Cryptor too."

"Ex-general." I heard Cryptor pout. Nya jumped back.


"It's complicated-" Lloyd began. "Actually, you guys never told me anything!"

I shook my head, which hit me with another shock. I felt a little waterlogged.

"Maybe we should... talk about it?" Nya asked. "So that we can explain it to the others?"

"Good idea..." Lloyd laughed. "Let's go inside?"

I nodded and grabbed the back of Cryptor's shirt. He wouldn't walk, so I dragged him.

We entered into the bounty hull and sat down at a table. Us on one side, Lloyd and Nya on the other.

I nudged Cryptor, who had his head on the tabletop. He mumbled.

I nudged harder, shooting my elbow into his shoulder.

"Ow!" He yelped. "What was that for-... oh, right."

Cryptor turned to them, elbows on the table and his face in his hands.

"Yeah so..." he said. "I dunno."

He shrugged. 

Usually he was quite the talker. So this was strange.

"Okay, okay, first off... how are you alive?!"

"Uhhh I dunno, there was this flood, then I got hit by lightning, blah blah blah, woke up in a junk yard. Found this guy."

He gestured to me.

"...and... then we plotted revenge..." he mumbled. "But after a year of laying low, he got all soft and forgiving about his vengeance."

I glared at him, but I let him continue.

"And then..." He sighed. "We wanted to take over the Crystal council, or maybe join it. But when I revealed my self to the overlord, he denied me."

Cryptor's head hit the table again.

"Ahh..." Nya said. "I mean, so like, you want revenge on the overlord now..?"

Cryptor only responded with a sigh. Lloyd nodded.

"I think that's it. The two seem to be a duo, Mr. E saved Cryptor from being destroyed, and that made a diversion allowing me to escape. After that, we've been in a truce sort of thing." Lloyd shrugged. "But I'm pretty sure it's going to be pretty complicated to explain."

I turned away from Nya and Lloyd, and I looked down at Cryptor.

Was he crying?? Well I mean it's not like there's any tears, but his shoulders were shaking. He really had the biggest hit to his ego, didn't he? The strong scary general didn't seem to happy about being disowned by his ruler.

I tried not to laugh. He looked so-

Actually I don't need to make fun of him.

I will later, when he can hear me.

The door opened and a very confused master Wu walked in.

"Either my eyesight is getting worse, or I'm seeing Nya and Lloyd sitting down with two dead nindroids..." he muttered.

"No," Nya said. "They're very much alive."

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