a Year (-Mr. E)

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we found a place to stay, an old apartment that was only cheap because of how run down it was. We didn't care, we weren't after comfort.

"We wait a year." General Cryptor said. "See how things are being run, let other villains wear the ninja out."

I nodded. He rolled his eyes at me.

"Why do you wear a voice changer?" He said. "Hate your voice or something?"

"Yeah, kind of." I said. "uh... Sir."

He seemed pretty surprised.

"oh, then I'm a good guesser." He said. "And don't call me sir or anything. Just Cryptor."

Well, that's good. Maybe I can trust him with my name.

"I'm-..." I mutter.

"What did you say?" he asked, putting his coat on a hanger. the hanger comes off the wall and he curses.

"Never mind." I reply

Yeah, I'm not going to blindly trust anyone again. Not for a while.

"You need to get me something." He said. "Since you know things more recently than me."

"What do you need?" I asked him.

"Tech, start with a computer."

"Okay." I sighed. "I'll be back soon."

I headed out before hearing his reply. I had barely been alive for an hour and i already have a new boss drilling orders into me...

There was no one guarding the nearby computer shop, I had a feeling they were all mourning. I took it without  problem.

A year seemed long. but I knew it would  pass us by before we knew it.

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