Finally talking (-Cryptor)

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"So... basically I was in this biker gang. Well it was more of a cult, focused on the resurrection of lord Garmadon." He said ."that's why I got the helmet."

I waited for him to continue.

"Ah, well the cult was led by Harumi, who was known as 'the quiet one' at the time. I was one of her subordinates or whatever. I had this really cool bike, and-"

He looked at me for a second.

"Okay, it doesn't matter. I didn't have many comrades that I got along with, but Harumi was... my closest friend." He said. "I did even care about the whole stupid resurrection thing. I just was there to help Harumi."

He sighed.

"Once Lord garmadon was resurrected, he took charge." He said. "I failed in capturing Lloyd, so he tore me apart in front of everyone. Harumi didn't do anything. Her only excuse for my failure was 'he's a machine, built to follow orders, it's not his fault!'"

"You do a good Harumi impression." I said. "I can imagine her saying it."

He laughed.

"Anyways, you know that my anger died down, and that I DID move on. But after seeing her replace me with that doppelgänger, I guess my anger resurfaced. It really felt like she did think of me as some 'mechanical servant' that can be replaced just like that."

"So, you're mad because you... were replaced after death?" I said. "Even that sounds-"

"Actually, in primevil's eye, she started talking to me as if everything was as it was, she wanted me to betray Lloyd and you right then and there." He scowled. "Brat."

"Ohhh, so that's why you struck her earlier. I thought it was just because." I shrugged.

"Yeah, anyways..."

I tapped my hands on the table.

"So why haven't you talked about this before?"

He gave me an angry look.

"Because every time I try to, you shoot me down!" He steamed.

"Well excuse me for not wanting to hear a sob story." I laughed.

"I just listened to you a minute ago!!" He slammed his fists down against the wood.

"I know, that's why I listened this time." I smiled. "Wait, how'd Harumi become your friend?"

"That's not important." He said hastily. "just know that she helped me out in return for loyalty."

Hm. Strange. I wonder what happened between them... I think of something funny.

"I was going to ask for your undying loyalty when u resurrected you, but I forgot." I snickered.

"Really? Well I'm not pledging allegiance now." He said.

"Ah." I shrugged. "Oh well."

We heard people approaching, Mr. E shut his mouth.

"Good news! We found the source!" Lloyd cheered as he walked into the room.

"Good, who's been uhh... wait." I thought. "Oh yeah, who's been warning about the coming of the overlord?"

"Vinny from NGTV." Lloyd sighed.


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