Chapter 10 : Continuing the Research of Valederou

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It was morning already, we both were still in bed. But, I woke up earlier than him. He was still sleeping like an angel. I slowly got out from bed, placing a polite kiss on his nose, without disturbing his sleep.

I went to bathroom and took shower and saw my hickey, and then I realised I had to cover it so, I won't get in any trouble. After covering the hickey, I changed into my outfit, wearing a high neck, which completely covered my hickey. Then I went downstairs to help my mom with breakfast.

Good morning mom!

Good morning, Polo.

My mom was already cooking in kitchen, I went in and started with arranging the dining table for all of us to sit together and enjoy breakfast.

How much it'll take? Mom? I asked.

Just few more minutes, sweetheart. Is Erick awake? My mom asked.

Just finish the cooking, I'll go and wake him up, then I'll be back to arrange the food. I said with a smile on my face.

Sure! I'll go ask your dad to join us. My mom smiled.

Erick! Are you still sleeping!? I shouted as I was walking upstairs.

Wake up! It's already 8:00 in the morning! Who's sleeps this late? Don't you remember we had a task to do? I said with loud voice.

Wake up my love, we are waiting for you downstairs for breakfast. I whispered in his ear, and placed a small peck on his cheek.

He woke up and entered bathroom for shower.

I rushed downstairs to help my mom.

He's coming in a few! I told my mom.

I and mom sat on table, after sometime my dad arrived and joined us. My mom just started serving and Erick arrived too and sat beside me.

I took the dish from my mom, and served my Erick myself.
My dad and mom was kind of shocked because of my exceptional behaviour. But somehow I distracted the topic.

Dad, do you know where that ancient book you were telling us, - The Valera is right now? I asked eagerly.

Well, the original book should be there, where it was discovered, so current it's in Cairo, Egypt.
But, if you ever got chance to read it, you won't understand anything because it's written in Arhamic.
But it's translated versions are available, one of which I'm having in my library. My dad replied.

Can we have a read on that book? Erick asked.

My dad couldn't refuse him, so he agreed.

After breakfast, Erick and I went to my dad's library and found translated version of Valera.

We both sat there, and started checking out index.
Erick noticed something and started turning pages, when he stopped the chapter was titled - A human with valederou blood.

Giving that chapter a read, we both were dumbfounded, having no idea what to say. I hugged Erick, as I was having no idea how much precious he is.

Polo, do you think I'll be safe? He was scared.

Of course, darling you will be safe. No one knows about this yet, except me and you, even our parents aren't aware of this yet.

I hope so Polo, promise me you'll always stay by my side, no matters what! Erick said.

Of course, I will, my love! I'm never gonna leave you. I'll be always there for you! But let me tell you something, you are stronger than you think, so don't underestimate yourself. You're unique, no one else has valederou blood, it's only you in this entire history of mankind. Polo said confidently.

We both went to my room.

It was 11 AM in the morning.

I think I should go home now, my mom would be waiting, and I could get in trouble if I made it late, Erick said.

Yes, I think the same. Polo said
Don't worry, you'll be safe darling. Just ring me when you'll reach home.

Erick started packing some of his stuff.

Before leaving the room, I pulled Erick by grabbing his waist and kissed him for longest I could, the longest we both could hold our breath.

Nothing gonna happen, my love. Polo said and smiled.

I love you, Polo.

I love you too, Erick.
Don't forget to call me when you reach home.

Sure, I will. He claimed.

Then, Erick left for his home, I went back upstairs to my room.



I began walking to my home, as I reached halfway, two luxurious cars stopped by me.

Window rolled down.

A man with black coat, and spark in his blue eyes, and a very gentleman look, his soft pink lips, took out his hands and grabbed my arm.

I was frightened, as this was unexpected.

What's your name kid? That man asked.

'That's none of your business' I replied with no respect.

Well, if you won't tell me your name, how would I confirm that you are Erick. That man smirked.

I was confounded, completely left with nothing to say, as this stranger knew my name.

He came out of car, and patted on my head and then he asked me to come with him, which I would refuse, of course.

NO! I WON'T! and then I pulled my arm from his grip and turned to run.

Then I saw, some man with grey suits were standing covering us from all sides, leaving no chance for me to escape.

I panicked and shouted for help!
Help! Someone please help me!

As I started shouting, the man in black outfit, pressed his hand against my lips, making me quiet and not allowing me to say even a single word.

He loaded me in backseat of his car and sat with me, then his one man sat in front and asked driver to drive away.

Having no idea where I was going, and no idea what was upcoming, no idea of who these men were, completely confused and terrified. I started losing my vision as if I was fainting.

The last I could remember is that man in black outfit holding me in his arms.


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.
I would love to continue with all of your support! Thanks alot everyone!

~ Heyyyyyyyyyyyyman


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