Chapter 9 : That Night was like Eternity

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As I acted like nothing happened, Polo grabbed me even more tightly. I gasped.

Was that much tight? I'm sorry.

"Look Erick."

He turned his face towards me.

"We are best friends, right?, I really admire the way you are and, you were always there for me when I needed you. But, I've been feeling a little more for you lately. I don't wanna hide my feelings from you. I've always been honest with you, and so I will be today. We know each other since we were kids, we know each other more than a decade, we share a very strong bond, and I know you would agree with everything I just said. Isn't it? Erick?

Yeah Polo, I am glad too, to have a friend like you in my life. We've been so great together, and I know you won't hide anything and you won't lie too, being best friends, tell me everything possible.
Erick said while putting his soft hand on my cheeks, and tracing circles with his thumb, consoling me.

"Since, we parted our ways, I missed you so much, not in the way a friend should be missed. Then was the time I realised you mean more than a friend to me. You were not just my best friend, I think I'm in love with you, my love." Polo said with very calm voice.

My eyes were wet, saying all the things to Erick, which was the hardest part in itself. A drop of tear left my eye, as I blinked.

Erick, wiped tear tracing on my check with his thumb, which helped me to calm down more.

"I don't know telling you this, and all so sudden was the right decision or not, but I didn't wanted to hide it from you anymore. I want to be true with the person I love, I want you to know that what I feel for you, because you're the one with whom I'm in love, and I can't keep you in limelight." Polo said while tears were leaving his eyes and tracing down his dry cheeks.

Erick covered Polo in his arms, and rubbing his back, to make him stop sobbing.

Both of them remained silent for few minutes.

"I completely understand what you feel, Polo. I already saw that coming when I met you after so long. I could feel the longing that you had within you when you were sleeping beside me. I knew that something like this would happen. We were kids, right, we started everything as friendship. But, now we are grown up, we are aware of feelings and relations other than friendship. I'm too aware of the fact that you love me, and so I do." Erick said with soothing smile on his face.

What? What did you just said? Polo asked surprisingly.

I said what you heard!

I love you too! Erick replied.

Polo let out breath, as if he was holding from so long.

Erick had slight smile on his face, and one of his hand placed on Polo's neck and slowly rubbing to make him feel comfortable.

Polo was no more having tears in his eyes, his fear of losing Erick suddenly changed into feeling of security.

Both pulled each other.


We were so close that our bodies were touching, and I was feeling his hot body through my clothes. My one hand on his neck and the other one grabbing his waist, as to pull him towards me. I could feel the spark between us.


This was like a dream for me, I never imagined myself in this situation ever, and specially with Erick, the person with whom I'm in love. This was nothing less than miracle. I could feel his hands over my neck, which was my weak point, I've never felt this way. No one ever made me feel this way, the way he touched and grabbed me, was something out of this world.

I slowly moved my head, closer to his.

I could feel Polo heavily breathing.
I could feel Erick breaths on my lips.

It was time, we kissed.

We kissed until we ran out of breath.

Then we looked towards each other with sweet smile, and again kissed each other.

Erick reached for Polo's neck, as if he knew that's his weakest area. Erick started filling his neck with small pecks, enough to make Polo moan, but not so loud.
But, it wasn't over yet, Erick wanted to leave a mark of his first kiss.
Erick sucked on Polo's neck as hard as he could, which made Polo moan even louder.

Erick pulled back.

He just gave me a hickey. Polo said in his mind.

Erick with his serpent eyes, watching Polo and admiring the piece of art he left on his neck, was smiling.

Polo kissed him once more, their lips were interlocked for sometime, this was a smooth kiss, not as rough as the first one.

Both smiled and were internally aroused, not letting that reflect on their faces.

"Don't you think we should sleep now? It's already too late, moreover we have to do a reasearch on something very important tomorrow." Erick said and giggled.

Yeah, I guess, I was lost in someone's seduction, so forgot about the time. Polo said we both laughed.

Good night, my love! Polo said with smile.

Good night, and don't forget what we have to search for, tomorrow. Now, go back to sleep. Erick replied instantly.

Yeah, I remember that! Love you. Polo said

Love you too, and I placed a kiss on his forehead.
Then, we both cuddled and fell asleep.


At first, sorry for any errors and any grammatical mistakes.

This was perhaps a longer chapter. But this was meant to be, they both were meant to be together. Did you guys expected this story to take this turn? Well, that was surprising in itself. Of course, alot of other things are waiting.

Any guesses what could happen next? What is going to happen with their research?

~ Heyyyyyyyyyyyyman

Thanks for reading, will be updating soon.


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