As soon as Tahira settled on the bed she hugged me. "Did you have a bad dream, Ladybug?" I asked as I hugged her back and she nodded. I lay back down on the bed, pulling Tahira with me so that we were cuddling on my bed.

"You can sleep here tonight, okay?" I asked and she nodded.

"Teddy keep safe?" She asked and I nodded.

"Teddy keep safe." She just smiled happily and we both drifted off to sleep.

"But it wasn't until our last day in England that we thought they should get together when they grow up." Omar said. I pressed my fingers in my temple to get rid of the headache forming.

"No! I don't want to leave Teddy!" Tahira and I clung on to each other as our dads loaded the suitcases in the taxi. Aunty Sara tried to pry Tahira away but we held onto each other tighter.

"Aunty Sara, can't she stay with us?" The six year old me asked but she shook her head.

"I'm sorry, Harry. But we can't leave her here."

I felt my mum hold on my arms and pry them off Tahira while Sara did the same to her.

"No please! Mummy, no!" Tahira cried as Sara picked her up and mum held onto me as I struggled in her arms.

"You will see each other soon, love. I promise." Mum said in my ear as the taxi drove away.

"I thought Tahira was born in India." I said as yet another memory passed and Omar nodded.

"She was. Anne had come with us to help Sara and as Harry was too young at that time, she took him with her. As soon as Tahira's passport was ready, we came back to Holmes Chapel." I felt a tear fall down my face at my memory.

"How come Tahira doesn't remember even a single bit of the time?" I asked and Omar froze for a second before he also sat down on his chair. His gaze fell on the picture of me and Tahira cuddled up on the bed.

"Tahira was extremely sad for a few weeks when we went back. We thought some time with her cousins would cheer her up but we didn't have much luck with it." I looked at him and raised an eyebrow as he continued.

"One of them felt a toy car at the top of the stairs." He said and I felt my blood run cold.

"She fell down the stairs." I said and he nodded.

"She didn't see it and accidentally stepped on it. We had to rush her to the hospital in the middle of the night." He shuddered a bit and I felt sad for what he must have gone through that time.

"Her scalp had burst open and there was so much blood, Marcel." He closed his eyes and shook his head "She had been taken into the I.C.U. and when the doctor came out he said that she had received a severe concussion and..."

I felt myself sit on the edge of my chair "And?" I asked and he looked at me.

"Amnesia. She didn't remember any of her times in England. At first, we thought it was sad that she wouldn't remember her first four years. But when she came back from the hospital, she started acting like the same way she did with Harry."

"Why did you come back then?" I asked, standing up from my chair and turned away from him so that my back was facing him.

"Des told us that Harry was auditioning for X-Factor. We thought if we came here and she saw him again face-to-face she might remember but she didn't." I took of my glasses off and messed my hair up a bit.

"What if they both reject each other? Tahira has already said she doesn't approve of how he lives right now." I said and took off my contacts. I knew the management would kill me for this but I felt like I had to do it.

"If that happens, it happens. Des knew that Tahira was turning eighteen next year. That's why he had asked Harry's management to send him to a rehab. To improve himself."

I froze for a second but then relaxed my muscles.

"Harry's not in rehab, Omar." I said and I knew he was shocked by his tone.

"What do you mean?"

"The management said that Harry was going to rehab in Australia so that people think he's there. In reality, he was dressed up as a nerd and sent to a small town to get a reality check." I said in my normal voice and turned around to see his astounded face.

"I am Harry, Omar."


AN: Okay people I have received one 'yes' but I will need two more for the bonus chapter. Comment, Vote and Follow :) 

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