Chapter 28: Blood and Family

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Chapter 28:
The thin line between
Blood and Family

Loki was feeling like the whole world was spinning, the crystal ball it had become rotating and shimmering in the dim light, so fast it was dizzying to think about, yet his mind remained sharp. His father was still lying, but sprinkling enough truth to make it believable. Had Loki not seen the past himself, he would have believed all the words his father told him... His father... No... Odin... Just how much was a lie?

"What am I?" He whispered, already knowing the truth, yet Odin told him another lie. "You're my son," he said confidently, but Loki knew now, he was not. "... And before that?" Loki asked, deciding it was better to play along then to fight. "... Laufey's son." Odin finally admitted.

And with that, Loki felt like his whole world broke, like the crystal ball it had become was dropped on the floor, scattering all around him in unrecognizable pieces, destroyed forever. "...Why? You were knee-deep in Jotunn blood. Why would you take me?" Loki whispered, horrified. Odin had Loki's mothers blood on his hands! Why?!

"You were an innocent child," Odin said softly, but Loki knew that was bullcrap! He had not been abandoned on some footstep for Odin to come and 'rescue' him! So there had to be another reason! "No. You took me for a purpose." Odin always had a reason for his actions, Frigga taught him that. "What is it?" Loki whispered, glaring up at the man who took everything from him and pretended it was a kindness.

Odin looked at him, hesitant, and Loki realized just how right Nix had been about him. He was a monster, a mad man, a king who served no one but himself! She had spoken of the war back then, questioning Loki if he truly thought it fair, if he could trust what The Allfather had told him of it. After all, history was written by the victors of the war, not the losers.

"TELL ME!" Loki demanded, just how much had Odin planned for him! How many strings had he created to make Loki dance like a puppet and do his bidding! What was his end goal... But Loki realized with a nauseating feeling what it was before Odin spoke.

"I thought we could unite our kingdoms one day. Bring about an alliance, bring about permanent peace, through you," Odin explained, rage returning in his eyes, "and it almost worked, you courting the Queen and all, but in the end, she grew too arrogant to understand her place, and threw all the hard work we both had made out without a second thought."

Loki's hands were shaking as he realized just how much Odin had been in control of his life... All these words... All these lies... Was his feelings even his own anymore?! Was his action that of his own will or Odin's manipulation! What was he supposed to do now?!

"I..." He wanted to shout, to scream, to be angry... But he could not afford it. He bowed his head... "I need some fresh air," he almost snarled, making a jagged turn away from The Allfather and swiftly walking out.

He felt like throwing up, but he gritted his teeth and just rushed out of the room, intending to rush down the hall, but was stopped by the woman waiting outside the doors.

"Loki?" His mother's voice asked, worried. He looked up at her and felt himself turn even more pale, his blood freezing in his veins. "... Did you know?" He asked, but he already knew the answer. Even without watching his mother's tight lip, he knew the truth, and so Loki stormed past her. Had they all known?! Was he just one big freak show to all of them?

All of Nix's words and Odin's words mixed in his head, and he truly needed some air at this point, but someone grabbed his arm, stopping his escape and keeping him in place. It was Thor, of course. "Brother where are you going?" He asked, a frown on his face.

"Let me go," Loki snarled, trying to shake his arm free, but with Thor having his powers back it was not an easy task. "Are you going to go find Nix? Too see that harlot again?" He asked. "She is tricking you Loki! Whatever words she has whispered in your words to make you trust her is nothing but lies! You have to understand that brother! Someone who loves you would not lie to you like that!"

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