Chapter 6: Curious Gazes

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Chapter 6: 
All eyes on the Queen are 
Curious Gazes

Everything was ready, and while the people of Asgard had been a bit displeased about the announcement of the Jotuns sending diplomats, no one spoke against the Allfather's decision.

And so came the day when the Jotuns arrived.

Loki was on his horse by his father's side at the end of the Bifrost bridge. Thor and his mother were both waiting back at the castle. Frigga in case there was some trap and Thor in case his anger would spike again.

There were a lot of Asgardian citizens waiting too. As much as they feared the Frost Giants, they also were morbidly curious to see them up close. The guards made sure to keep the path to the castle clear from any citizens, and would also be there to make sure no Jotunn snuck off from the path.

They watched as the Bifrost lit up, telling them that it was in use, and everyone was silent as they waited to see what the result would be. Heimdale was not alone at the Bifrost, he had guards with him in case of a trap, but some of those guards were leaving the Bifrost now, and shortly after the Jotuns followed.

The first Jotuns that walked out on the bridge were warriors. They did not wear the same kind of armor as the Asgardian knights, but the ones from Jotunheim. It seemed lacking in comparison, but Loki knew that was because their skin was tougher than most.

The next people were looking more refined. Instead of the leather, dark fur and armor that the warriors seemed to be wearing, they were dressed in more fabric. The colors were still dark, and not as fine as Asgardian silk, but a lot more refined than what the Asgardian people were expecting.

The next few people were wearing robes of different colors, all still dark, but looking a lot more detailed and well made, making the citizens who were watching whisper in shock. This level of material was normally reserved for nobility, which these Jotuns might be.

Loki was impressed by the gathering, but found himself searching the group for one specific person. He told himself it was because of her stature and him having to be the most weary of her, but somehow he knew that was a lie. He just wanted to see her.

And then he spotted her.

Nix, the Queen of Jotunheim, exited the Bifrost with more of the robed people behind her and then more warriors.

She was still wearing white fur with silver trimmings. But now she was also wearing something that looked like a white silk dress as she regally walked down the bridge, along with a thin white veil to keep the sun from hitting her skin.

She looked even more beautiful than Loki remembered. For a moment she reminded Loki of a bride walking down the aisle, dressed in all white, and he had to stop himself from staring. He wonders if she somehow had put him under a spell to captivate him, entanting him and his thoughts to focus on her and nothing else, but he doubted that. But then again, what other explanation could there be?

The group stops at the end of the bridge, and they all bow down low to Odin, all except Nix. Nix did courtside, but not nearly as low as the others, still standing tall for her people while showing the Allfather respect.

"Nix, Queen of Jotunheim, and your fellow diplomats," Odin says in a voice, both addressing her and her people. "Welcome to Asgard."

"Thank you, Allfather," Nix said, raising her head and gesturing behind her. "As a sign of our gratitude that you allow us to enter your home, we brought gifts." Some of the warriors were holding up a platform with some chests on them.

Odin nods gracefully. "Very well, I'll accept your offering and welcome you in," He said, turning his horse toward the castle, looking over his shoulder at the Jotuns as his guards moved to protect his back. "Follow me."

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