Chapter 25: He is Still My Father

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Chapter 25:
His Sins may Not be Mine, but
He is Still My Father

Laufey looked like he had just been slapped, hard, even taking a staggering step back. Yet all Nix had done was speak, the air still from the power of her words as she seemed to look Laufey down despite him being taller than her.

The previous King of Jotunheim looked like he was unsure whether he should be furious, grief stricken, or impressed. He was just looking at Nix with a kind of blank stare that was a mixture of all of the emotions before settling for being defeated. His head bowed slightly as he seemed to move to leave.

"Wait," Loki said, unsure what it was that compelled him to speak now, but it made Laufey pause as Loki quickly made his way around Nix, who was looking at him confused. "I know no words I could ever give you can make up for my fathers actions, and while his blood might run in my veins I do not agree with anything he did that night," Loki said seriously, knowing Laufey would understand.

Laufey turned to face him fully, his eyes hard and guarded as he seemed to analyze Loki's face, no doubt searching for the lies and deceit he was so well known for. And Loki let him look, not putting up any kind of guard as he looked Laufey in the eyes and let his soul speak the truth.

But it seemed like Laufey saw more in the truth of Loki's soul then either of them had expected, because Laufey suddenly took a step back, looking at Loki as if he saw a ghost. His eyes widened before he quickly broke eye contact, rubbing his eyes as to forget whatever he just saw, mumbling something to himself as he walked past the group.

He jumped up on one of the griffins that had been used to carry the platform Mani had been on, which had melted as soon as it was no longer needed, and seemed to get ready to travel back to Nix's castle. But before he did, he looked over his shoulder at Loki and spoke directly to him. "You are much wiser than your brother or father, perhaps you get that from your mother," he said before taking off with the other Griffins quickly following.

Loki blinked, feeling how wide his eyes were from shock, and turned to see Nix expression mirroring his own. "Well," she said, blinking once before turning back toward the cave entrance. "I did not expect that."


Loki stepped out of the Bifrost light and into the dome where Heimdale was waiting for him, his eyes suspicious and Loki guessed he had noticed how he and Nix had disappeared from his vision while in Jotunheim.

"Heimdale," Nix said, doing the same level of courtesy as she did for Odin, which surprised Loki as he looked between the two. Heimdale gave her a nod before turning off the Bifrost... And looked the other way.

Loki looked at Nix with giant eyes. What was that about?! But for now she just smiled, put a finger against her lip as she guided him out of the dome and onto the bridge. He was not riding Mani this time and instead was letting Rime guide her. Those two seemed to have befriended each other while he stayed in Jotunheim.

Instead he walked by Nix's side, his hand moving up to hold hers as they walked. Once they were far enough out on the bridge he whispered. "How did you manage to wrap Heimdale around your finger?"

"By pointing out the truth for him," Nix said casually, grinning down at him, "and by using my silver tongue instead of fumbling on purpose." Loki made a face, blushing as he faced forward. "You heard about that huh?" He pulled his collar slightly, but a happy note in his mind pointed out he was more embarrassed about those events now the terrified and guilt written from his sins.

"It takes a very skilled tongue to fumble on purpose," Nix said seriously, "I'm honestly just impressed." And once again, her words made Loki feel 12 feet tall and brought a wide grin to his face. "Get a roooom," Crystal mumbled behind them, making him blush as he had forgotten about the others there.

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