Chapter 12: Empty Seats Tell Tales

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Chapter 12:
Missing Realms and
Empty Seats Tell Tales

"Hold on now," Queen Ivory said, making a big display out of counting the chairs, "I do believe that there are not nine realms present here, so how 'everyone' is here?"

Odin's face was set in a kind of frown, looking at the empty seats before turning his attention back to Ivory. "Dear Queen Ivory, it's simply because some of the realms no longer have suitable leaders, or never had." He gestured toward one of the empty spaces. "The Dark Elves disappeared a long time ago, so there is no one to represent them as their realm is nothing but a wasteland now."

"One could argue that 'disappeared' would not be the right word, seeing as they lost a great war with the Asgardian people and were eradicated, but I guess them being destroyed could count toward 'disappearing,'" Nix said, her tone with a touch of sarcasm, but mostly that of someone just stating a boring fact.

Odin turned his gaze to her, glaring as his voice grew darker and spoke with more force. "The dark elves were trying to eradicate all light and throw the universe into eternal darkness. Slaying them was the right choice."

"Oh Allfather, I meant no disrespect about your actions, after all, war is war and bloodshed is to be expected. I was more referring to the way you spoke of the past, and I'm sorry if you interpreted it any other way." Nix held up her hands, palms out, in a clear defensive gesture, as if to show she held no weapons.

She then gestured to the other empty spaces, speaking in a confused tone. "But then I have to ask what of the other missing realms?" She tilted her head. "I understand not wishing to invite Muspelheim as their leader would probably rather start Ragnarök than discuss peace, but I thought the people of Midgard worshiped you like a god, and yet I don't see anyone representing them at this table."

Odin looked at her, his expression hard. "They have not developed the technology needed to travel the galaxies, and we decided a long time ago to let them be until they do." He looked to the empty spot himself. "Once they are ready to join the table I will invite them, but until then their spot will remain empty."

"And I assumed you talked to them about this, and they agreed?" Nix said, folding her hands under her chin as her cold gaze locked with Odin's. "Then again, you are the Allfather, leader of the nine realms and so I guess if they have no repressions of their own, they surely would not mind you acting as their leader, because they do know that you rule them... Right?" Her head tilted and Loki noticed an almost cat-like grin on her lips, clearly challenging Odin again.

Odin's own gaze was filled with a dark fury, his voice growing even darker, and in an almost whisper he spoke. "Once they are ready, they will be joining our table, end of discussion."

"Ah," Nix said, nodding and waving her hand dismissively as to signal to the Allfather he could continue the meeting, and yet as soon as Odin opened his mouth she interrupted him, shocking Loki.

But what was more shocking was the question she interrupted him with.

"What about Niflheim?" She asked, grin no longer on her face, but her cold stare intense as she seemed to stare into Odin's very soul.

There were gasps around the room, and they were all justified. No one talked about Niflheim, because the only thing in that realm was Hel, the home of the dead, a subject many shielded themself away from as to not invite death itself into one's own home.

And yet Nix was asking why none from that realm was at the table, a thing that had everyone looking rather shocked. Except maybe Ivory who looked like she wished she had a bowl of snacks to munch on as she looked between Odin and Nix with an almost excited grin.

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