Chapter 24: What a Lovely Morning

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Chapter 24:
Waking up in your arms,
What a Lovely Morning

Loki woke up feeling... Amazing. He had not slept this well for as long as he could remember, especially not lately. As he adjusted his position in bed the memories of last night came crushing over him like a waterfall and he could feel himself blushing.

His hair was a wild mess and his clothing was ripped somewhere in the nest, and yet he had a satisfied smile on his face. He had never done something like this before, but it felt so right and free to do so! And he knew that was in large part because of the woman he was with.

Loki looked slightly over his shoulder to gaze upon Nix's sleeping face. Even in her sleep, she looked like a goddess. How had he managed to court someone as amazing as her? He was laying beside her, acting as the little spoon, and loving every second of it.

While Asgardian men did not shy away from warrior-like women, it was still considered somewhat embarrassing to have a lady bigger than oneself, a notion Loki had shared. But now, laying in Nix's arms and essentially being the little spoon, Loki had never felt safer as he closed his eyes again.

He took deep breaths and relaxed as he just let himself enjoy the moment, not wanting to break the silence. He didn't know what time it was, and he didn't care. If Ragnarok happened now leaving him frozen in this moment forever he would not mind.

After a while, he felt Nix move behind him. He opened his eyes, intending to turn around to look at her again, but her arms wrapped around him tightened, pulling him closer to her body. He blushed as his head rested against her chest now, and tried to look up at her and chuckled. "Morning dear."

Nix made grumple noises, her legs moving, pushing his own against his body as she curled more around him. "Shhhh, not awake yet," she mumbled sleepily, and he could see enough of her face to see her look at him for a moment before snuggling more into the nest and him. He chuckled and got comfortable himself. "Whatever you say, my queen."

And so they laid together like that until the sun rose so high they could no longer ignore it. Along with the growl of both their stomachs, a thing that made Nix chuckle warmly in his ear. "Well, last night's activity truly left me with quite an appetite."

Loki chuckled back, twisting carefully in her arms to better face her, a teasing grin on his lips. "Really? I don't know whether to take the fact that you are hungry for more as a compliment or an insult."

"If that's what I had meant, I assure you it would have been meant as a compliment," she said, flashing him an amusing grin and she moved down, her lips gracing his neck, "because you certainly left a positive impression."

Loki wanted to comment on that, but his stomach growled once again, and they both decided to just laugh instead. "Do you think they saved us any breakfast?" Loki asked as he sat up, looking for his pants but remembered with a blush they most likely had been destroyed.

"No, but perhaps there is some lunch left," Nix answered, standing up and stretching, letting the blanket glide off her. Loki felt his blush deepening as he tilted her head and observed her with hungry eyes, seeing the love marks he left on her body and felt the need to add more, but his stomach growled again, reminding him he had other needs.

Looking down his own body revealed he had marks too, and while an untrained eye could mistake them for injuries or marks of being in a fight, Loki knew any true warrior would be able to tell the difference.

The scratches on his back were not of claws, but of nails. The teeth mark on his neck was not from trying to rip out his throat, but instead showing him how much she had enjoyed herself. And the bruises around his body were not that of punches, but rather what people on Midgard would call hickeys.

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