Chapter 18: Fire and Ice

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Chapter 18: 
The Internal Battle Between 
Fire and Ice

Loki had trouble sleeping that night. His mind was filled with thoughts about the kiss, how it shook something deep inside his very core. He could perfectly remember the feeling of Nix's lips against his and clearly recall her expressions when he had pulled away. He tossed and turned, not seeming to be able to make his body or mind calm down. His heart was racing so fast and his fantasies were getting out of hand!

His bed was starting to feel too hot! The warmth was uncomfortable and clammy! He threw off his covers and stared at the ceiling, looking at the intricate patterns there mimicking the night sky, but it was not enough of a distraction to keep his thoughts at bay.

Even without the covers, it felt as if he was boiling. Like a raging fever had invaded his life, but it was not inside of himself, but rather all around him. A blazing fire that he wishes a cold hand would come and swipe away, gently stroking his skin to relieve his ache and-

Loki's eyes widened and he leaped up from his bed mimicking the way it felt like his heart was gonna jump out of his chest, his breathing too fast as he landed on the floor. He quickly grabbed a robe, swiftly putting on the sleeves and tying a sloppy knot around his waist to give himself some form of decency as he exited his room and stalked down the hall. He had promptly decided to give up on sleep and instead go for a walk, hoping some fresh air would clear his mind.

Perhaps he would raid the kitchen, get some food in him to try and satiate the fire building inside him like a bonfire, he could even get some of that delicious chocolate the Jotuns had brought with them. It was unlike anything he had ever had before, and it had not only enchanted him, but a lot of other Asgardians as well.

Asgard was rather lacking in the sweets department, favoring fat, grease, and salt over sweet delicate flavors. What they had for sweet snacks was stuff like fruits and nuts, sometimes backed into a pastry. Occasionally they would have gotten candy from other realms, but nothing like the chocolate from Jotunheim, which quickly had turned into Loki's favorite.

He was thinking of the savoring taste of the chocolate on his tongue when he remembered other flavors the Jotuns had brought along with them or reintroduced, reinvented. Most of them are able to mix with the lovely chocolate to give even more choices with the enchanted candy.

Like the sticky caramel that could both be enjoyed as a form of sauce that was as thick as syrup, a chewie cube that would get stuck in your teeth and stay with you for far longer than you expect, or a hard little oval that you were supposed to suck on for a while, but had a hard time resisting crunching in your mouth.

Or the fresh minty flavor, subtle when in chocolate, but such a strong force when on its own. He had enjoyed mint tea, but trying the mint on its own had been a whole other experience. Despite the mint being from a plant, the Jotuns had somehow gotten a flavor that reminded him of ice, nice and cold, but also strong and sweet. The smell was so clean, so sweet, both feeling like fresh air and intoxicating smoke as it pulled him closer, his lips seeking the source, stroked against her plum lips, and-

Loki's steps shuddered as he caught where his thoughts were heading. He quickly shook his head as if to shake the fantasies out of his mind. His blush being so bright he feared it would look like a beacon in the dark. He could not stop thinking about the kiss, her face, her-

Loki fully stopped walking, fearing his legs no longer following his command as he took some deep breaths to try and calm himself down. He had to calm down, but how?

He turned to the window of the hall, which once had just been an opening in the wall but was now covered by a decorative glass pane. He walked over and put a hand against the glass and almost purred at how nice the cold glass felt against his hand! So he put his other hand against it and then his forehead.

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