Chapter 1: The Plan

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Chapter 1:
This was NOT part of
The Plan

Okay, so things were not exactly going according to plan. In fact, this was heading toward a disaster!

Loki had only wished to delay his brother's coronation. That would have earned him some time and resources to prove once and for all to his father that making Thor the king of Asgard and the nine realms was a mistake. The proof being Thor's impatience and need for action.

Loki cared for his brother, he truly did, but Thor was blinded by pride and rage, he was in no way ready to ascend the throne. How could his father not see that?! His father had always told them that his job as the king was to maintain the peace that they had been working so hard to obtain. Thor was not a man of peace, he was a man of war, and Loki had taken it into his own hands to finally prove it to his father.

It started with delaying the coronation. No, not just delaying it, he had to interrupt it in a way that would show off his brother's rage. Loki knew it was wrong, but desperate times call for desperate measures, and if you wanna make some change you need to break a few rules.

Loki had of course covered all his bases, making sure it could never be traced back to him. Not even the Frost Giants he helped sneak into their realm knew who he was, and even if they did, they would all be dead. He had led them to the treasury where he knew the only thing they would find was their certain doom. He had been worried that he had timed it wrong as his father was making his speech during the coronation, but just in time, it was stopped. His father rushed to the treasury to make sure the Frost Giants did not get their hands on the Casket of Ancient Winter.

After that it was just a question of making Thor show his impatience and rage, to make him go against their father's direct orders and show everyone what kind of ruler he would truly be. And honestly, that barely took any persuasion. Loki didn't need magic or lies to make Thor show his true nature, he just needed to point out to Thor the wrong path to take and encourage him to NOT do it, making his brother's stubborn nature kick in and match him down the path. Honestly, Loki had done nothing wrong there.

Even when all of Thor's closest friends, Sif and the Warrior Three, also tried to talk him out of this truly insane idea, he just kept going, encouraging them to grab a shovel and help him dig his own grave. It was truly baffling how their father had ever thought Thor was ready for the throne.

Still, Loki didn't want the grave to swallow his brother whole. So he had made sure to inform a guard of Thor's plan before leaving, knowing that the guard's first job would be to inform The Allfather of what was going on. Their father would come before they could get in too much trouble, and then he would finally see how war-hungry Thor really was, and he would have to admit how bad of an idea it was to put him on the throne.

But the guard had been too slow, honestly, they should never have made it to Jotunheim! Loki had not been prepared for them to get past Heimdale, he had even talked like an idiot to the gatekeeper to delay their passing, which had earned him ridicule about his silver tongue. Then they had arrived in the enemy's land, and Loki had no real way of delaying them any further as they marched into the throneroom of this realm and were suddenly surrounded by frost giants.

Loki realized that if he let Thor start a fight they would all not just be in trouble, but possible mortal danger. He begged his brother to stop and think, but once again his brother just pushed him to the side, saying Loki should know his place. This was exactly what Loki had wanted to show his father, but what good would it do if their father was not here to watch and if they all died?!

So when Laufey, the king of the Jotuns, had waved them off, telling them to run off home before they started an actual war, Loki had quickly stepped in, thanking him for his generous offer, and started guiding Thor back toward where they needed to go. And it worked... That was, until one of the frost giants taunted Thor, calling him a princess. And Loki knew that just like he only had to say one thing to make Thor charge down this path of rage, someone else could easily make his brother rage too.

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