Chapter 5: War and Peace

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Chapter 5: 
Halting and Preparing for 
War and Peace

Loki was standing at his father's bedside, watching his mother on the other side as she coaxed The Allfather into the Odinsleep. He watched as Odin's eye closed, knowing that he would not wake up for a while. This was no normal sleep, it would take days at the very least, but when it was over his father would be back to full strength.

Thor was nowhere to be seen. Loki was unsure if Odin never sent word to his brother to come, or if he had and his brother simply just chose to ignore it. Whichever it was, it meant that he was not here. Loki was alone with his mother and the sleeping Allfather.

Loki was holding the Gungnir in his hands, the symbol that tells the realm that he was acting as king now, and he wore a proud smile. His father finally trusted him with the power to rule over Asgard, and while it may only be temporary, that did not matter. He was finally loved by his father the same way Thor had, he had finally proved to him that he was a worthy son and potential king.

So why did he feel so hollow?

"Loki." His mother's voice snapped him back to reality as he looked back at her. Her smile was warm and her eyes proud. She had always been proud of him, she never treated him as if Thor was the only worthy son. She was the one who had taught him magic when their father was busy teaching Thor something that Loki was being excluded from.

Now she was looking at him for guidance. Loki was the acting ruler of Asgard now, and so he needed to make a decision. Loki knew what he wanted to do, what he must do since it was the last request of his father before he went to sleep.

"We must prepare at once," Loki said, smiling warmly back at his mother. "We are to have another queen as a guest, and I intend to do my very best to accommodate her and keep the peace between our realms."

Frigga nodded, still smiling proudly as she stroked Odin's cheek one last time. "And I will help you," she said, standing up proudly herself and walking to her son's side. "Let us go to the library and find as much information on Jotunn customs and needs as we can."

Loki nodded, leading the way out with his mother by his side. He knew the way to the library very well since it was where he had spent most of his alone time. Others rarely used it, so it was like a sanctuary for him when needed.

He was a bit worried that the library might be lacking in information though. He never found a lot of books about Frost Giants before, granted he never really sought them out, and the few he had found had been about the war and how barbaric they were.

Having seen the queen herself Loki was sure that was no longer the case.


Thor was still sitting in shock surrounded by his friends. Sif was the one by his side, stroking his shoulder with a worried look. "Thor?" She asked, looking at him in shock. "What happened?"

Thor blinked slowly and looked up at her. "... Father took my powers from me," he said, looking heartbroken, "he would have banished me too if Loki had not stopped him...." He lowered his head. "At that, my brother speaks the truth... Maybe... Maybe I am not worthy."

"Don't say that Thor!" Sif begged, stroking his arm. "He may speak of the good of Asgard, but he's always been jealous of you," she said seriously as she looked to the other for confirmation.

They were silent, looking at each other unsure. Volstagg was the first to speak up. "We should be grateful to him, he saved our lives." He said, looking at the others seriously. But Hogun looked unconvinced. "Laufey said... There were traitors in the House of Odin."

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