Chapter 17

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He slowly let go of her, but she still hugged him tight.

"I really have to go back to work now."

She still refused to let him go. It felt so good. To finally hug somebody.

"Qiqi." He spoke again.

This made her look up. He didn't call her by her name usually. They didn't call each other by their names.

She pouted and let go of him.
He caressed her head and looked at her for one last time before going back to the main hall to work.

"I'll sleep with you." He spoke before walking away.
This made her blush.

She watched as he disappeared at the corner of the corridor.
She sighed and went to do her job.

Arranging the household wasn't easy but wasn't that hard either. She had to speak a lot and be rational. But she didn't have to use all her brain and it bothered her. She wanted to think, to think hard, to solve big problems as she did at home and while travelling as the lady of her family.

Slowly, night came, and she went to her room. She remembered what he said before walking away. He will sleep with her. She hoped he didn't mean anything weird by that. She wished to sleep with the wolf. But him and the wolf were the same. And he knew she slept with his wolf every night because it was him. He was there. So, he will just turn into his wolf form and sleep at her leg as always, right?
She wanted to wait for him. So, she just sat on her bed and thought about him again. But if he is the wolf then he remembers all that he saw as a wolf. He remembers every time she slept with him. And she didn't care if a wolf saw her dressing up, so he saw that too. She turned red at this thought. He saw everything. And when she first met the wolf. She was taking a bath. And he saw her.

She shook her head.
"That can't happen!" She cried out loud. She felt so embarrassed.

Some hours passed but he still didn't come. She was still sitting on her bed, but her eyes almost closed now.

The door finally opened, and he walked in. But at that time, she was already sleeping.

He smiled at the sight of her sleeping while still sitting. He lifted her up and put her in bed properly. He put the blanket on her and then slowly climbed in the bed too.

Should he sleep in his wolf form? It wasn't actually that comfortable. But like that he can get closer to her. But he can get close to her in his human form too.
So, at the end, he decided to sleep in his human form. It was awkward for him too. But just a bit. His love for her made the awkwardness disappear. How much he loved her, it was indescribable. He just felt it and he couldn't stop it.
He sneaked his arms around her and pulled her closer to him. He closed his eyes and with a smile on his face he fell asleep.

Morning came and he was the first to wake up. He was lying on his back and had her head on his chest. She was still sleeping so peacefully. He didn't want to wake her up, so he just admired her small and fragile figure. He smiled to himself and started to stroke her hair. He lost himself in the sweet scent and the softness of her hair.
He was glad that they could finally take a step ahead and get closer to each other. He wanted her, he needed her, she was his mate, he couldn't feel any other way.

She moved a bit in her sleep that made him freeze. He didn't want her to fear him or get mad at him because he wasn't in his wolf form. He wasn't acting as her little furry friend.

She slowly moved again and opened her eyes. She had a really good sleep. But then she realized something. She was in a kind of uncomfortable position, but the pillow made up to it. It wasn't that soft, but the warmth was really calming.
Then she slowly got out of her morning daze and realized her pillow wasn't really a pillow. She opened her eyes more and looked around. She was lying on her bed, to be specific, on somebody. She quickly got up and looked at the man underneath her shocked.

He got surprised by her sudden movement, so they just stared at each other with wide eyes. Then he finally thought about something to say.

"I'm sorry. A-actually, sleeping in my wolf form is not really that comfortable. But I promised to sleep with you. I hope you can forgive me."

He scratched the back of his neck shyly.

She wasn't mad at first. It was just so uncomfortable for her.
She just slept with a man she didn't know. Well, she did know him but not on the level she would say yes to this kind of experience. He didn't say he would come as the wolf, so she had no reason to be mad but at the end her embarrassment turned to a kind of anger. She felt so shameful.

But why? He was her husband. But it was just a title it didn't mean that they should actually sleep together and all. She promised herself back then that she won't make such contact with anybody until they both confirm they loved each other. But it wasn't the case between them. Maybe she read too much love stories, now she has her expectations up so high. She needed time to know him better. Maybe then she wouldn't feel uncomfortable. She was so new to these things, to love.

But he was too. He was always so busy with his work as a general.

But thinking about it a bit more. She liked the closeness, the warmth. It was so new to her but still so good. It made her feel soft and that weird feeling in her lower abdomen. She never felt it before.
That made her uncomfortable too, but she ignored it because she kind of wanted to enjoy the moment. His warmth felt so good, so she just laid her head back on his chest. Acting if she was still a bit dizzy and not fully awake.

He knew she was wide awake but still let her rest her head on his chest. He loved it. So, she really wanted these kinds of moments. She was so shy to admit it. They will slowly reach to the point where he wants them to be. Maybe he can push it a bit now...

After a few minutes she fell back asleep. He just stared at her and stroked her hair. He loved her so much.

Then she woke up again, he noticed it and reached for her neck and caressed it.

"You're finally awake, how did you sleep?" He looked at her.

She didn't look at him. She was so shy that she just nodded into his chest.

"That's nice. Do you want to cuddle a bit more? I'm all yours." He said and to the last sentence he spread his arms.

She still didn't look at him but hugged him tightly and pressed her body closer to him. He gladly put his arms around her in a loving and protecting way.

They stayed in bed for the first half of the day but soon he had to go because the emperor asked him for a visit in the palace.

He didn't want to go but of course he had to. He kind of already knew what he will talk about to him.

Thank you for reading💕 Please don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts!

Exams finished and schoolyear has no meaning anymore...

However, I have something for you:
So, my sister, Leann020 is writing stories as well, her new story titled "Otherworld" is out! It is a scifi romance story.
Please check her work out and give it some love. She worked very hard on it (even harder than I do on my stories!)
I'll try to link it in my conversations on my profile so you can find it more easily...

Have a nice day! Bye~

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