Chapter 8

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The 31th of December: Making up for my last mistakes, I promise this chapter won't be that sad, ok?

She cried for an hour at least.

Her father took her out of the room to another one to not let her see her dead mother anymore whishing that it would calm her down a bit.
She wanted to stay but after a while she let him take her to her once room.

She sat on her bed all alone, crying.
She didn't know how long it was, but suddenly somebody knocked on her door. She hoped it was her maidservant or father to help her calm down, but it was somebody else.

The door silently opened and closed. She waited for that someone to come closer to her and hug her as she thought it was her father.

But when that someone just stopped at the door and didn't come closer, she looked up.
She had to stare for some moments to fight with her blurry vision and see properly who was there.

It was him. He stood there again not knowing what to do.

She cried even more.
Why does he have to be here? And see her at her worst. Why is he not doing anything, why is he just standing there?
She had different emotions. She was sad, happy and mad. She was happy that he was there, that he cared for her. She was mad that he didn't do anything, that he was only there because she had a problem. She was sad that he only cared for her when she was at her worst and of course because of her loss.

She suddenly got up and went to him.
He was confused.
She hit his armored chest. It hurt her more than him.
But then she hugged him. She wanted to feel the warmth of a body. To feel that she's not all alone in the world even though her mother just left her. She wanted to feel that somebody still loves her even though the only one who truly loved her just passed away.
She hugged him so tight but still only could feel the hard armor.

"Take it off." She mumbled to him. "I want to feel the warmth of your body."

He immediately reached for the buckles to loosen them and took off his armor, throwing it to the ground.
He spread his arms, signaling he's all free now, she can hug him.

And she gladly did. Sneaking her arms around his torso. Putting her head on his well-built chest and finally feeling that heat she wanted to feel.

He hugged her back, caressing her head.

They stood there for a while until she finally felt like she's loved and stopped crying.

When she felt ready to leave his embrace, she looked up at him with her teary eyes.

He looked back at her.
They stared at each other's eyes for some moments until they finally realized what they just did and looked away embarrassed.

But he still didn't let her go. He wasn't sure if she was really all right by then.

But she pushed herself out of his embrace and walked away, embarrassed, and not knowing what to do. She felt so uncomfortable as she just realized what she asked him for and what she did in the last half an hour. This closeness was so strange for both of them since their relationship wasn't that close either. It was still a bit awkward between them.

They spent one more hour in the Cheng's mansion, but then, they had to go back home because he had to go. Go to the war.
He already delayed the leaving by three hours now. But he must go. He can't wait for another hour.

When they arrived back the soldiers were still standing there, in armor. They all greeted their General loudly.

He led her to her courtyard. They stopped at the gate. They had to say goodbye now.
But neither of them wanted to go. Not to see each other for months. They grew so close now. That hug helped a lot. They still felt a bit embarrassed but definitely closer.

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