Chapter 10

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From that day onwards, she visited him almost every day to treat his wounds.
He didn't let anybody else to touch them. He didn't even call for a doctor to look at them. He trusted in her.

But she was still so flustered to look at his masculine body and to touch it.
She wanted to admire it. He was so well built. But every time he took off his clothes she just turned into a tomato and didn't dare to look at him.

However, the time they spent together paid for the inconvenience. They grew even closer.
They still didn't make too much physical contact because they were afraid of the other's reaction, but they talked a lot.

She told him how she felt, how her depression went away and how much her father helped her in the hard times.

He felt even more sorry for not being there with her. It wasn't him who she relied on, and that he couldn't help her, that he had to go. He wanted to make it up to her. But how?

She told a lot about herself, but he didn't. He was silent about how the war was going and what he experienced there.
She wanted to know but felt like she shouldn't force him. It seemed like a sensitive topic for him. So, she just waited for him to open up one day and talk about it.

He enjoyed every minute with her.
How happily she talked about the experiences she gained while travelling around the country. How she opened up and told him about her family's problems.

He promised her that he would help her father out with money. She was so grateful. She trusted in him so much. But why? What happened? Why is she relying on him so much? Why does she want to be with him as much as she can? What is this attraction she feels? Like she feels so lost when he's not around. What is this feeling?

His injuries slowly healed. So slowly that Bin started to get concerned and asked his lord about it.
But his injury wasn't the only thing that concerned him. Spring was already here. The wildlife slowly started to get to life. And this meant something not too convenient to them. But mostly for him.

"Young Lord." Bin spoke.

He looked up from the book he was reading.
Bin stood in the middle of the main hall.

"How are your injuries? I heard they heal really slowly."

"They are ok. Healing as fast as they should. I had some big scars too; those take more time to heal. You don't have to be concerned about them."

He thought it was all what Bin wanted. But his man didn't move, like he wanted something more to say.
He motioned him to speak.

"I... Spring is already here. You know what it means, Young Lord. It might be harder for you now that you found her. I ask Young Lord to be more careful this time."

He knew very well what he was talking about. His instincts got way stronger now. But those instincts... Were a bit inconvenient sometimes.

That's why he had to avoid people at that time, especially women. He used to lock himself in his room and not letting barely anyone in.

Bin was lucky, he didn't have that strong instincts like him.
But him. It was so strong; he could barely manage to hold himself back.
He has to avoid her now. For some months. She won't take it to heart, right?

So, as he wanted, he tried to make less contact with people as spring went on. It was so hard for him. He craved a connection.
Bin tried to help him with some herbs that helped him to calm down. They actually calmed him a bit. But every time he thought about her...

Her, on the other hand, didn't know why he became so distant. Did he have some problems?
She tried to ask Bin about him, but he only said he wasn't feeling well.
She knew it wasn't really the case but decided not to disturb him. He probably had his reasons.

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