Chapter 13

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Why do I always forget to publish the chapters😭
I'm trying hard though...

It took her almost half a year to finally forget what happened and what he did.
He waited patiently. Or just seemingly patiently. He was beyond the moon when she finally came to him on her own and not because he asked her to do so. She just walked in the main hall to tell him the gardens need some changes, and she is willing to take care of it. Even if she found a reason to go there, he was more than happy to see her coming on her own.
Bin was there too and smiled so brightly.

A few days later she came again, saying the gardens are all done and beautiful.

"You are taking care of the gardens so well. I feel like you would be able to bear with managing the mansion. Can I ask you for that?" He spoke satisfied with her work.

She thought about it. She didn't want it firstly, but later reconsidered it since she is the woman here, she should do it. And she wouldn't be bored anymore.
So, at the end she agreed.

And from that day on she had a lot of tasks. She thought of getting some more servants, especially women to do the laundry or things that are actually women's job but at the end she didn't want to risk it in front of him, so she just didn't get any. She was still the only woman in the mansion.
But she wasn't that sad about it. The servants respected her. She did have some struggles with dresses and hairstyles, but it was ok. She didn't really have her own maidservant at her father's house either. At least she doesn't have to deal with disgusting gossipy girls.

She was walking on a corridor to go and finally rest after a long day when a man showed up, coming towards her direction. It turned out to be him.
He didn't go there to meet her; he just had some important tasks and that way happened to be the shortest to his room. He went to rest as well. He happily saw her in front of him.

He smiled at her and quickened his steps to her. His happy actions made her smile too.
He finally stopped in front of her and smiled down at her.
She looked up a bit confused and embarrassed of why he was so happy and smiley meeting her.
They stood there for a bit not knowing what they should talk about.

Her thoughts earlier were around the wolf and how soft its fur was and how nice it was to sleep with it every night. So, she thought of mentioning it to him.

"Your wolf." She started.

He got scared. This sentence was dangerous for him, it was equivocal. And he firstly misunderstood it.
She noticed the panic on his face, so she tilted her head to the side. What made him this worried about two words? Is something wrong with his pet wolf?

"Your pet wolf. It has been with me a lot lately."

He sighed. He firstly thought she somehow got to know his secret.
He started to play dumb, tilting his head too and looking interested.


She nodded.


Why did she stammer? What was she about to say? He got scared again.

"I-it has been sleeping with me since I got back here."

Why did he start to blush so suddenly? What was up with him? Did she say something like that?

"So, you are pretty close. I'm glad." He said still trying to turn away a little from her not to see him blushing.

She nodded again.

"You don't mind it right? After all it is your pet."

"Of course not. I'm happy he has a new friend. You've been playing with him a lot lately. He enjoys that a lot."

How did he know she played with it too? She only mentioned sleeping with it.

"What is its name by the way?" She asked.
She spent a lot of time with it but still didn't know its name.

Now he was in trouble. He didn't have a specific name as a wolf. He was still the same. He never even thought of naming his wolf.

"He doesn't have a name yet." He spoke a bit embarrassed.

She was surprised.
"It doesn't?"

He shook his head, still embarrassed.
"You can give him one if you really want to."

She gladly nodded.
"I'll think of one and will let you know."

He nodded.
She was about to happily start her way to her courtyard, but he spoke again. This made her stop. And her heart flutter for some reason.

"Good night." That was all.
It left a big impact on her. But why, she didn't know.

She saw from the corner of her eyes that he too started his way to his room.
She turned around and watched as his wide back gets farer and farer away.

"Good night." She spoke with a smile on her face.

She turned back and finally went to sleep.
If only she knew he could hear that small 'good night' she said. And if only she knew how happy it made him.

She arrived at her room's door, but the wolf was nowhere to be found. She looked around but it was still out of sight. She decided to go to sleep without it since she was really tired, but she still left the door slightly open for it to come in.

He hurriedly got back to his room, still smiling like a creep. He quickly got ready to sleep.
But then he thought about her. He soon has to tell it to her. How will he manage?
But for now, let's just enjoy the benefits of her being close to his wolf. He realized he was already late, so he sneaked out of his room and went to her.
She left the door open for him. This again made his heart flutter. Maybe, there is a chance that they will get along perfectly one day.
He got in her bed and lied down at her leg, pushing his back to her feet to warm it up.

In the morning, she happily saw the wolf at her leg sleeping peacefully.
He told her to give it a name. How should she name it? There's no rush, she has so much time to think about one.

So, she got up off the bed. But with her movements she woke up the wolf. It looked up with sleepy eyes but as soon as it finally realized where it was and what time of the day it was, it happily hopped off the bed and started jumping around her.
She giggled and pet its head which made it even more excited.

She didn't have time to get dressed, like so she went out to her courtyard to play with it in her nightgown.
It didn't really bother her since nobody dared to go to her courtyard apart from him.
But why would he come to her at this hour?

She played with much joy, running around with it and it happily ran after her.
But she suddenly stopped for some reason, and it couldn't stop. The wolf tackled her down and started to lick her face. She couldn't stop giggling and pet it once again.

If only she knew she was watched by somebody.
That somebody was Bin.
He was wondering what takes this much time for his lord to arrive at the meeting they had. And when he was around her courtyard, he heard loud noises and laughing. Bin thought he would be there. And there he was playing with her like a small pup.
He smiled as he watched them playing. He was happy to see how his lord found his mate and how well they got along with each other.

He wished to find his mate too. But that process is so long. And seems like the time hasn't come yet.
He watched as she suddenly stopped, and the wolf tackled her down and started to lick her face.
He seemed to be so happy, and he was.

Bin sighed and went to find other things to do. He knew he won't show up for the meeting for some hours. He was just so into his mate. He didn't blame him. It was natural.

Hope you enjoyed this one, please don't forget to vote and leave some comments to encourage me!

It was acutally my birthday three days ago...

Thank you for reading, have a nice day!

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