Chapter 5

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As promised, within 24hours:

The carriage stopped in front of the Bang residence, and she got out with the help of his soldier.

She felt like she had to dress up for him. To show him she is there too, and he should pay a bit more attention to her.

At the beginning she wanted to live all alone and talk to nobody, but after a few months, she started to get bored. She craved to finally talk to somebody properly, and not just ordering them around.

So she went back to her room and wore a nice dress. She liked the color and the fabric, but it seemed to be a bit revealing at the chest area. She thought it didn't matter since she didn't have anything there, so she picked up the wooden box the ointments were placed in and exited her room.

He was resting in his room, tired from the travelling and weak because of the blood loss. His injury just didn't stop bleeding. He had it for a few days now, but it still bled a bit. The white bandage he had around the right shoulder had a big red stain on it.

He asked one of the servants to call for a doctor when another servant came in.

"Young Lord, Young Lady wishes to see you."

He firstly didn't know who the man was talking about but then he remembered.
How could he forget the girl who made his whole life a real burden. Every time he went to the emperor to report about the war, His Majesty asked about the young and hopeless lady he had to marry.
He always found some excuses; he didn't dare to lie to His Majesty but here she was wishing to see her husband.

"Let her in." He spoke.

He wanted to have some fun listening to her, let's see if she changed.
He couldn't really do anything else, since his shoulder was not in a good condition at the moment.

A few minutes after, she came in.
Wearing a dress that caught his attention. The color was bold, and it was perfect on her figure. Also, the cut out of the neck was deep... What is he thinking about?
He shook his head a little and looked at her waiting for an answer of why she showed up with such looks.

She saw his reaction and smiled to herself.
After all you are just a man, famous General Bang.

She stopped in front of his seat and greeted with a bow.
The young lady took out the wooden box from behind her back and handed it to him.

"I heard you got injured while protecting the country, so I rushed to buy you some of the best ointments of the capital." She said, acting innocent.

He motioned a servant to take the box.
The servant placed it on the table in front of him.
He took off the lid and looked at the small vials.

"Thank you."
He didn't know what to feel or what he felt. He was somehow contented but didn't want to show it. He can be touched right? After all she is his wife.

"I still have something to say if I don't bother you with it." She continued.

He somehow knew that she wanted something more, not just being nice.

"Please, feel free to talk."

Those formal words... It bothered her so much. The last time they spoke he was so casual, almost hectoring. And now, when she is his wife, he's speaking to her as if they are complete strangers.

"Since I live here for months now and will probably live here even longer, I was wondering if you would allow me to make some changes for me to feel more at home."

She had a reason but somehow, he felt offended. She didn't like the style of how he lived, she didn't like his style.

However, at the end she was right, his style might seem scary to her girliness.

"OK, what changes do you need?"

She was surprised, thought she had to persuade him a bit more. She was happy though, that he was open to her needs, and allowed her to make some changes that helped her feel like she's somebody in that residence.

"Thank you. I mostly thought of making some gardens around the mansion to become greener and more welcoming."

He nodded.
"OK, I'll leave the arranging and work to you since you know what you want."

She felt so happy. He agreed to her idea. He was interested in her thoughts.

"Thank you so much." She smiled brightly.

That smile. It made him feel suddenly soft. Out of the blue, he felt just as happy as she was, but this feeling also scared him. How can somebody have such an influence on him?

"You may leave now." He spoke, embarrassed about how she affected him only by a happy smile.
But that smile was so adorable, with her eyes forming into small crescents and her teeth showing. What is he thinking about? He must focus on the war, on his revenge.

She happily bowed and walked out of the room, straight to a servant, asking him for a gardener so she can start the work right away.

Making the unfriendly looking mansion a happier and at the same time elegant place was not an easy task, but at the end of the month, she succeeded.

Even he helped her a bit by telling her what plants can bear the weather there and ordering his men to help her.

She was so happy with the results. She mostly changed her courtyard, being scared if she changed the main yard, he would be mad at her.

But he wasn't mad, not even a little bit, he was more like thankful. Without her he would live in a dark and scary place. He didn't even realize how dull the place was, until she told him and made those changes.

A few months went by, and they started to talk to each other.
They always found the other with small things, like she was wondering if she could put some fishes in the ponds or he asked her if she needed anything more, like clothes or extra snacks.

Eventually, they grew closer. Not too close but they now felt at ease while talking to each other.

And one day a new invitation came for a banquette. This time it was the youngest princess's birthday.
He had to attend it, she was his sworn sister, since the emperor was his sworn father. And because he had now a wife too, he must bring her along with him.

At the morning of the day the banquette was held he informed her to dress up because they will leave soon.
Of course, he prepared everything.
But he wasn't prepared for the sight of her just getting out of the bed in front of him.
All messy, in only a white light dress which was supposed to be under her clothes, but for sleep she only wore that. It wasn't revealing but she still felt so embarrassed when she realized General Bang himself came in to wake her up.

She pushed him out of the room and quickly got dressed, she was soon ready to go.

She felt bothered for the whole day because of that small scene in the morning so she didn't dare to look at him.

He too felt embarrassed and sorry that he made her be in such an uncomfortable situation, but he soon forgot everything when other tasks and problems appeared.

So happy I have a phone now. That week without it was hard, but not as hard as I thought it would be(mom, you can't say I'm an addict)

Hope enjoyed reading, please don't forget to vote and leave so me comments of your thoughts. Just for me to have something to read while I'm bored, enjoying your comments sooooo much😆

Thank you for reading, luv u, byee💕

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