Chapter 11

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Update timee😌

The next morning, somebody knocked on her door. She got scared again. What if he wants to meet her.
She, as quietly as she could, went to the door and tried to look through the rice paper to see who was outside. But it wasn't him. This man was shorter and didn't have those wide shoulders but was a bit more buff.

She opened the door relieved.
Bin was standing there.

"Young Lady. Young Lord requested for you to travel to his smaller mansion to rest peacefully."

This guy. He, somehow, still cared about her. He knew that now she didn't want to see him for a while, and even arranged a place where she can stay alone.
She nodded.

She got dressed and almost immediately took the carriage and travelled to his smaller mansion.
This dwelling was way smaller than the one in the capital. It wasn't in really good condition. The paint on the wooden elements started to fade. The rooms were also dusty.
It seemed like he wasn't here often.
But this place was, in spite of it all, more welcoming with more gardens and greenery.

She firstly chose a room to stay in and cleaned it. She knew she would be there for a long time until she could forget what happened.

He felt miserable. If only he could have held himself back. He wasn't mad at her for not listening to him. He knew she was just so worried since he refused to meet anyone.
Will she ever be able to forgive him? Will they ever be the same as they were before?
He knew that for now, he has to leave her alone, not to disturb her. That's why he arranged for her to stay in that small mansion.
Maybe later he can visit her.

Some months went by with neither of them speaking or meeting each other. She took care of the small mansion while he was busy with getting ready to go back to the north.
He didn't want to go back without settling the problem with her, so he had to slowly make some steps.
Because for sure, if it depended on her, she wouldn't speak to him ever again.

His act made her hate him, to even start to hate all men and be disgusted about what he did. She knew something was off with him at that time, however, she still couldn't help but hate him.
She was also scared of him. What if that was his purpose all along? What if when she goes back, he will act the same again? What if it wasn't just a bad day for him, or was he drunk?

She didn't want to overthink it even more, so she started to look for a task she hasn't done yet.
Sweeping the corridors took her more time than she thought, so when she was finally finished, it was already getting dark.
She put the tools away and went to her room to finally get some sleep.

But at the door of her room, something was there. A big, grey, furry something.
A wolf. It was huge and was sleeping at her door peacefully.

She looked at it for some time and realized that it was the same wolf she saw that night.
He sent his pet wolf to her not to be completely alone. How sweet.
But the thing was that she wasn't friends with the wolf yet, so she was rather scared of it.
But here's an opportunity to get closer to it.

She bent down a bit, to make herself look smaller, not to scare the animal and slowly walked closer to it.
The wolf looked up, noticing the small sounds she made.
It looked at her. She didn't look into its eyes not to scare it.
She slowly reached the animal and stretched out her hand towards it.
The wolf sniffed her fingers and got up. She never realized how big the wolf was in reality.
It put its head in her hand, waiting for her to pet it.
She started to stroke its head and the wolf got closer, wanting more.

It felt so good. Breathing in her sweet scent and feeling the warmth of her body. Seeing her happy smile and the feeling of her hand on him.
He still had to hold himself back a little to not tackle her down in the first second he sensed her, but it was way better now. His instincts slowly started to fade as the spring slowly went by.
He now felt that it was safe to meet her. But he knew she wouldn't be happy to see him. That's why he came like this.

"Are you hungry? You want something to eat?" She spoke to the wolf.

It shook its head, but she still rushed to the kitchen to find some snacks.
He followed her and happily ate the snacks she gave.

They spent some time together. Her petting him and him lying down, enjoying her attention.
But she had to go to sleep now, it was almost midnight.

She planned to let the wolf in her room.
But as soon as she opened the door it rushed in and hopped on the bed.
Luckily the bed was big enough for the two of them, so she still could sleep comfortably next to her new friend.
She giggled and got ready to sleep.
It was so nice to have somebody with her after being completely alone for months.
She enjoyed the wolf's soft fur and quickly fell asleep.

When he was sure she was asleep he got closer to her, trying to make her feel comfortable in his warmth.
She has never had such a calming night before.

She woke up the next morning happily. The wolf was still sleeping on her leg.

In a few weeks, she got closer and closer to the wolf she even hugged it while sleeping. She was lucky that the wolf was so friendly to let her pet it every time she wanted and slept with her happily.

She played with it every day and walked around the mansion together. She grew so close to the animal in a short time.
She felt happy and even forgot what happened between her and him some months ago. But at night. She had dreams about it, it still haunted her.
She slowly started to feel neutral about it after a long time. It was still vivid in her mind, but her emotions started to change.
She didn't really know how it started and why it changed but she didn't hate him anymore. She was still scared though.

He felt so happy to be with her. Cuddling with her at night and playing with her all day. He felt she didn't hate him anymore. Maybe it was a good idea to come to her like this. Maybe it would be better if they only met like this. He was sure if he asked her to go back to his mansion, she would certainly be scared again. She was now happy and stopped thinking about what happened. If she went back, she would think about it again.
He felt so sorry. Why couldn't he hold himself back? Why did that had to happen? Why is he so disgusting? Why is he so dumb and weak? Why does she have to be his mate? Why didn't he beg her more to go away. If only he could make it right some way.

But he was already easing her by being with her. Even if she didn't know it was him, he still managed to make her feel better about him. Some more weeks and she will be ready to meet him again.
Or is it better like this? Should he not ask her to go back?
He needs Bin's help.

So, he went back to the Bang's mansion which was managed by Bin while he was away. He trusted in him with all off his, that's why he was open to ask him any personal question.

Bin was in the main hall.
"Young Lord. You came back."

He turned around as soon as he heard some noises behind him.
He just nodded.

"How is Young Lady?"

"She's better now. That's why I came. Should I ask her to come back? Or is it better like this?"

"You shouldn't be out for too long; I can't manage the mansion for that much time. And it would be better for you and her too to know you as a human and later if you are ready, you can tell her. So, I think you should ask her to come back. Leave her alone at first and slowly get closer to her. Maybe you can visit her more often in your wolf."

He nodded. Bin was right.
He quickly took a paper and wrote down some words. The invitation for her to come back.

"Arrange the others. She might not want to come back immediately but I'll try to make her change her mind. Thank you, Bin." He spoke, his soldier just nodded.

After that, he ran back to her.

Thank you for reading, please don't forget to vote and comment your thought!

Have a nice day, luv u, bye~

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