Chapter 4

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At the morning she was already getting ready, putting on different clothes when a maidservant knocked on the door.
She let her inside.

The maidservant stepped in and looked around the room. She was looking for someone.
She was ordered by the emperor to check the newlyweds. But General Bang, she couldn't see him in the room.

She noticed what the maidservant was up to.

"Are you looking for somebody?" She asked, already knowing the answer.

The maidservant startled a bit and looked at her.

"His Majesty is looking for General Bang." She lied, trying not to expose the emperor.

"He had already left." She spoke and motioned the girl to help her with the clothes.

What she wore was way fancier than what she was used to, showing this General Bang was really rich. Or just the emperor gave it to her.

A carriage took her to her new home.
As some servants said, her belongings have already been sent there on the day of the wedding.

However, she hasn't met her new husband yet. She was glad but still wondered where he can be if not with her.
She will have enough time to be with him once she arrives at his mansion.

He was mad.
He just got home a few days from the northern border of the country because the emperor ordered him to. Not knowing why His Majesty wanted him so much he took the two weeks long journey to go back home. Just for the emperor to play with him and marrying a random girl to him.

The previous day, after he exited the room, he should have been in the whole night, he asked some servants to give him another one and some proper clothes.

So now he went to the emperor with new clothes on.
He entered the hall without permission. The servants tried to stop him, but he didn't bother to care. If the emperor punishes or kills him for it, he would only be grateful.

The emperor turned to him surprised and immediately realized what was going.
His Majesty saw how mad he was, so he put on his sweetest smile.

"Dear son, what took you here?" He asked kindly.

"I am only your sworn son. May I ask, dear father, what made you think it is a good idea to marry me without my knowing?"
He was insanely mad but held himself back.

He hated when others decided for him, especially big questions like who he marries to. It also bothered him that the emperor found a random girl for him and not letting himself to pick somebody or just even introducing them to each other beforehand.
It frustrated him that he knew he can't do anything about it now.

"Oh, dear son, I told you in the letter I sent that I found the solution to your war with that kingdom. She is the solution." The emperor smiled.

He didn't get it. How could a small girl stop a war that has been going on for hundred years?
He tilted his head for his sworn father to continue.

"You know, she can talk very well. She can convince them to end the war."

"But why does she have to marry me then?" He asked.

"Because she has to convince you too. You just do not admit it, you want this war too. If you really wanted to put an end to this, you would have tried to find other solutions too."

The emperor was right. He wanted this war too, but His Majesty will never know the reason why. That's his secret.
But he still didn't get it why he had to marry her if the only thing His Majesty wanted is for her to convince him to stop the war.

The emperor, on the other hand, knew that it wouldn't be an easy job.
Just words weren't enough.
But why didn't he choose just a normal girl then if words weren't enough? Because they will need whatever they can think of to convince him. If just some words were enough, the emperor could have convinced him already.
But that wasn't enough. And other solutions... Only a wife can fulfill them. It is a bonus that the wife can use words well.

He didn't want to talk back to His Majesty anymore or anger him, so he excused himself and left the hall.

Her carriage finally reached the destination. It stopped in front of a gate and her maidservant helped her out.

She looked up at the gate.

"Bang's mansion." She read the characters on the board above the gate.

The gate slowly opened, and a soldier came to lead her inside the residence. He was a bit short but was in full armor.

"Young lady." He motioned with his hand for her to go in.

She obeyed and followed the soldier.

He showed her around a bit and then led her to her courtyard.
As she wished she got her own courtyard, now she could only wish that nobody would bother her. But thinking about the General, he wasn't really into her so she might be able to live alone peacefully.

What she noticed at the beginning was how dark the whole residence was. All the buildings were painted black and there weren't gardens or flowers. But not even a woman servant, just soldiers.

A few months went by, and she haven't even seen him.

She didn't even know that he went to war again on the northern border.
She only realized it when she was passing by the main courtyard and saw many soldiers entering the mansion. She asked a servant what was going on, and the servant told her that his young master finally got home from the north. He also told her that the General got injured on his shoulder.

She felt like she should pay him a visit. Since he is protecting the country, and after all, they were married.
But they haven't met in months despite them being husband and wife.

At the end she still decided to visit him, so she went out to buy some ointments for his injury.

While waiting for what she ordered she once again heard some girls gossiping.
They talked about how amazing skills General Bang has in fighting and how wonderful he is.

She felt bad for some reason. They still gossiped about him when he was already married. Did they even know he was married? They must know, it was a very big event.

Then they started talking about his marriage and how pathetic it was that as soon as he got home from fighting for the country, he had to marry a girl he didn't even know.

She pitied him. But she herself was just as pathetic as him. This whole marriage was just for the emperor's entertainment, and now both of them had to suffer.
Well, they didn't suffer so much because they didn't even see each other but knowing they are not free anymore made them feel sick.

She finally got her order and went back to the black carriage. Of course, it had to be black and to be honest she was sick to be only surrounded by men too. Everywhere she went in the residence she only saw men. She had to talk about it to him.

ROCK-STAR is out!!! In these 5days if I didn't listen to it at least 100 times then I didn't listen to it at all🤭
Which song is your favourite?

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Have a nice day, luv u, byee

General Wolf (Stray Kids Bang Chan)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz