Chapter 15

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My favourite part of the story continues so read it that way!

She giggled.

"I know it's your pet."

He looked at her. She was now looking at the garden in front of them.
"No. The wolf is mine. It's me."

She firstly didn't get what he said.
Then she looked at him and their eyes met. For the first time in a long period. He got lost in her eyes and so she did too. They stared at each other for a long minute but then she realized they had a conversation.

"I don't get you." She spoke.

He too got snapped out of the beauty of her eyes.

"I am the wolf."

She tilted her head.

"What?" She asked back not understanding.

He couldn't blame her. It was really hard to believe.

"How do I tell you this... Well, the wolf and the man that is standing next to you are the same person. I am that wolf and I remember all the nights we slept together."

This made her blush, but she still didn't really get what he was talking about. Was he trying to say he was a wolf and a human at the same time? That's unthinkable, he's just making some dumb jokes to break the ice between them.

"That's not possible." She said with confidence.

"It seems like it's not. But trust me. I can show you."
He spoke and turned to his wolf form in a blink of an eye.

She wasn't looking at him. So, when he wasn't speaking for a long time, she looked in his direction but saw nothing. Only the wolf was there.
She smiled and bent down to scratch its head.
She looked around to see where he went.

"It's not funny, now come out." She spoke, still looking around, searshing for the place he hid.
When no reply came, she started to look around more, going to one direction.

"You still don't believe me." He spoke behind her sadly.

She turned around.
"Oh, you're here."

She started looking around again.
"Where did the wolf go?"

He suddenly held her chin.

"Look at me. And don't take your eyes off me until I say so." He spoke looking into her eyes.

She got scared at the sudden closeness but didn't dare to disobey him.

He let go of her chin and still looking deadly in her eyes he turned to his wolf form.
The wolf still stared at her and after some seconds he turned back to his human form.

She still didn't want to believe it. She still wanted to act foolish as if nothing happened. But how can she after this?

"You see now?" He asked, still looking in her eyes.

She slowly nodded.

"I know it's hard to believe but you had to know about this sooner or later."

He turned around.
"I'll leave you for some days to process everything. I won't bother you. Please don't think of me like a monster. I'll tell you more about this when you'll be ready."

And with that he walked away, leaving her there still unable to process what happened.

After a while, she slowly walked to her room and laid on her bed. She didn't sleep that night.
Her arranged husband that she didn't like was the wolf that was so sweet and fluffy. Happy and cheerful, helping her at the hardest times, being her best friend and the only good thing at the mansion. Her sleeping buddy that warmed her bed up and that she hugged every night.
She still couldn't believe it.
Why did he had to be that wolf? He was so scary and emotionless.

But she was smart. Deep down, she knew it was all true, but she refused to believe it.

She was thinking day and night for three days. She tried to persuade herself it wasn't him but at the other she tried to tell herself it was him. It made her so confused. She wasn't even mad or anything. She was just so confused. How can this happen? A wolf and at the same time human?

Some more days passed with her thinking and trying to believe the truth, while he tried to avoid her to give her time.
How hard it was for him. Every time he caught himself walking around her courtyard he sighed and went in another direction. His mind was always around her. Her happy laugh, her beautiful smile. The care she showed to his wolf. He wished she would care for him like that all the time. He loved how smart she was and how rational but at the same time a passionate feeler.
They didn't speak too much but she was so rational about the jobs around the mansion and passionate to do them well.
How can somebody be so good at both at the same time?
He was amazed.
But it wasn't just her brain that made her so attractive. She had a beautiful figure and face. She knew what looked good on her and she cared for her looks. What man can resist a beauty? But a beauty who is also extremely smart? That's even harder to resist. And she was also his mate.

A mate was something so magical. It was a connection that nobody could fully understand. A mate made the other think differently. He couldn't think of anything else but her. A mate was so in love with their other half. He was head over heels for her. A mate admired their other half. He was so amazed by her, he sometimes even asked himself if she was real.
A mate was attracted to their other half. His thoughts... His face turned red.

After some more days, she felt like something was missing. She soon realized she missed the wolf. She missed the happy moments with it, its soft fur and the heat of it in her bed.
She couldn't sleep well without it.

She didn't want to ask him to sleep with her. But after a week she could barely sleep. So, she decided to ask him.

She was so unsure and embarrassed. But she went to the main hall where he was currently discussing things with his soldiers. Bin was there too.

She didn't mean to eavesdrop, but she overheard some words while waiting for them to finish.

"Young Lord, the northerns are planning something. We should get ready and go to the battlefield. The men we left there are not enough to hold them back if they are planning a bigger attack." Bin spoke.

"We must start preparing then. I knew they were planning something bigger. The attacks this winter were just smaller ones. There was something fishy."

He turned to Bin.
"Did the spies got some information about what they were planning?"

"Unfortunately not, it seems like they don't want to fight now. They are probably planning a trap. We should be careful."

"Ok, start preparing to go on the battlefield. Be careful. You may leave."

And with that the soldiers bowed to their lord and exited the hall.

Bin noticed her while walking out and bowed to her. She smiled at him.
She waited for all the soldiers to exit the place so she can speak to him alone.

A/N: Thank you for reading, please don't forget to vote and leave some comments!

Story time: Yesterday I dreamt about meeting Oneus! It was soo realistic that I thought for some minutes that it really happened😭
Anyways..Do you listen to Oneus? Or have dreamt with idols before?

Thank you for the attention, luv u, bye💕

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