The Chase Begins

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If there's one thing Sasuke Uchiha dislikes about being at the office, it's the constant stream of whispers and stares that follow him. All of that has quadrupled since Sakura began working as Itachi's assistant instead of his.

He's pretty sure that a certain loud-mouthed Yamanaka woman told someone about their situation, and those people told others, and now it feels like everyone is in on a secret he desperately tried to hide. If Sai and Karin weren't so serious about their careers, he'd have assumed they were in on it, too. Alas, the duo is more than satisfied teasing him behind closed doors.

The rest of the week passes rather uneventfully. Wednesday, the day Sakura came back and began working for Itachi, the younger Uchiha brother gifted her with pink roses and a short apology note. Each day following, he hired a private driver to take the Haruno woman wherever she pleases so she'll no longer have to rely on cabs or taxis. On Thursday and Friday, Sasuke sent her a pretty diamond bracelet and macaroons from overseas, respectfully.

Though Sakura accepted her new position as Itachi's assistant, she hasn't said a single word to Sasuke.

At the end of the work day on Friday, Sasuke stays late, as usual. Hours pass as he works to catch up on the paperwork he missed from taking Tuesday off. Time passes. It's as if he blinks and the sun has disappeared behind the horizon. The clock's hands have moved further than expected. He snaps out of his focus when a knock comes at his office door.

He looks up from the screen, only to frown when Itachi strides, "I'm about to leave, so I figured I'd stop by to see how you're holding up."

"I'm fine," Sasuke says.

Itachi isn't deterred. He instead seems more sympathetic, "Sakura is doing a great job. She seems to be trying to take out her frustrations by putting it into her work." His dark eyes warm when Sasuke grits his teeth, so he adds, "I know you're worried."

It's quiet between the brothers for a moment before the younger one sighs defeatedly. He speaks in barely more than a whisper. There's an uncharacteristic shyness in his words, "And the gifts.... Has she...?"

"No," the elder one cuts him off, "She's designated a drawer in her desk to store them, but she hasn't spoken a word about it."

A sound of confirmation rumbles Sasuke's chest. The room becomes silent again. Itachi wordlessly wishes his little brother farewell for the evening and leaves.

Sasuke rubs his tired eyes and groans. Naruto and the others said this approach will work on Sakura, but it hasn't yet. Of course, he knows it's only been three days, but the Uchiha is not an overly patient man. He just keeps telling himself to give the woman space while also making it clear that he hasn't given up on earning her forgiveness.

Another week passes.

That Friday, instead of Itachi visiting him after closing hours, the Director of Operations is taken aback when Sakura Haruno steps gingerly into his office. Judging by her anxious glance out into the hall prior to shutting and locking the door behind them, it's easy to tell she doesn't want anyone to know.

Sasuke's spine unconsciously straightens, and he pushes his keyboard away a bit to give the woman his focus.

Her emerald-colored eyes appear darker than usual as she approaches. She doesn't hold his gaze. Instead, she stands further away than she had in the past and says in a voice that bleeds discomfort, "I want you to stop." The Uchiha man frowns. He doesn't reply, not because he's angry, but because he has no idea what to say. He knows she's referring to his relentless attempts to show his regret.

Sakura appears to take that as something defiant and clenches her fists with a frown, "Listen, I understand that you're trying to apologize, but trying to do that by blowing your money on meaningless things like jewelry and expensive sweets.... Do you not know me at all, Sasuke?"

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