The Banquet's Aftermath

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'I don't know what I did to make you upset, but you could at least tell me instead of avoiding me. I don't care if this sounds desperate because we're friends. If that's no longer the case, say so, so I'm not sitting around waiting to hear from you like a fool.'

Who does she think she's kidding? Sasuke just arrived home after a long night of entertaining snobby professionals for hours. He unbuttons his bowtie and falls onto the sofa, kicking off his shoes and glaring at his phone's screen. Hours have passed since he watched Sakura flee the banquet in tears, but the image is fresh in his mind.

Crying has never moved him. Why does it bother him now, then?

The truth makes him angry. It's because it's not just anyone crying. It's Sakura. It's the woman to whom he's bared his soul, albeit accidentally. What makes it worse is that the tiniest spec of hope that she truly is the empathetic and supportive person she pretended to be as Haruki is her true personality. That's why he can't stop thinking about it. As hurt as he is by her actions, he can't help but imagine an alternate reality where he's the asshole for not believing her despite her innocence on the matter. The idea that his harshness in that hallway was unwarranted and those tears were genuine makes his stomach churn.

Sakura lied. She pretended to be someone else to get him to reveal things about himself she knew he'd never share with anyone. Every day, she looked him in the eye with that pretty little smile and acted ignorant of the fact. Sasuke wants to talk to Haruki about this because that's who he's turned to in moments of insecurity, but he can't. Haruki is Sakura. Haruki no longer exists. He's not a real person. The idea that it's been his pink-haired, fiery co-worker this entire time, offering comfort and encouragement any time of day or night, is something the Uchiha man can't wrap his head around.

Why did she put in so much effort just to keep up the lie? What does she possibly have to gain by messing with him like that? That's why he's stumped. Sakura did it, but he doesn't know why, and his pride won't allow him to ask. So, Sasuke falls asleep on the sofa, half drunk and unhappy.

On Monday, Sakura shows up right on time rather than early like usual. She also leaves the moment she's able instead of working the full day. Karin watches the pink-haired woman silently step out of the office. Once the door is closed, she glances at Sasuke, "She's weirder than usual today, right?"

The man grunts, forcing his gaze back onto his computer screen. It shouldn't matter to him whether or not Sakura is upset. He's upset, too, and it's all her fault.

"Alright, I've had it," the Uzumaki woman sighs loudly. When he looks up, she's standing in front of his desk with crossed arms and a frown. Like a mother disciplining a child, she berates him, "Something is going on, and both of you are keeping me out of the loop. Spill."

"I'm your boss," Sasuke bites, her confidence reminding him of Sakura's and making him annoyed again.

"And you're making it impossible for me to do my job because you keep sulking! So, tell me the truth. Did you two fight again? I thought things had gotten better."

"Me, too," Sasuke says under his breath, sighing and attempting to refocus on work.

Karin's frown falters.

The man groans, pushing his keyboard away and letting his pounding head fall into his hands. That's it. He can't keep it together anymore. "I've been talking to someone on AC since August. I just found out it's been her the entire time."

The Uzumaki woman remains silent for a long time while she processes his confession. So long, in fact, that Sasuke looks up to see her bewildered face. Eventually, she laughs, a hand to her lips, "That's hilarious! No wonder she's freaking out! What'd she say when she found out?"

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