Running Into A Familiar Face

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Sakura tips back her head and finishes off her drink, sitting the glass down heavily on the bar afterward and running her hand through her hair while looking around at the lively party. It's hot because there are so many people, most of whom are inebriated and dancing. The woman isn't sure how many drinks she's had, but she is positive it's more than enough to get her drunk.

She takes her time visually locating her friends to verify they're safe, or at least in the presence of someone who will make sure they don't get into trouble. After that, she sighs and gathers her handbag. When she stands from the barstool, she wobbles, snickering at her own drunkenness. Dipping and dodging her way through the crowd of bodies, Sakura makes her way to the exit, not bothering to spare the huge party another glance before leaving.

It's snowing and ice cold outside. Though it's the middle of the night, the world is alight with the city lights, not to mention the busy street filled with cars. Before she can even take another step, someone grabs her elbow. Surprised, she yanks it away, stumbling but catching herself with a hand on the newly constructed building.

When she lifts her eyes, they land on a familiar face. "...Kiba?"

Tan skin. White, wolfish grin. Muscles. Warm, chocolate eyes.

The man tilts his head and looks her up and down, "Long time no see, Saku. How've you been?"

Sakura doesn't want to see him, not when she only just decided to try moving on from what'd happened with him. That's right. Kiba Inuzuka is the person she slept with in high school. The person who spoke so lowly of her performance and appearance to their classmates, effectively breaking her, at the time, teenage heart.

"I was just leaving," she tries to keep her speech steady, but even she can tell the words are a little slurred.

He nods, his mouth turning into a grin, "I see that. I almost didn't recognize you when you walked past me inside. You've changed a lot."

"No, I haven't," she bites. Sakura may be sound enough to recognize that she doesn't want to be around Kiba, but she's still drunker than she's been in a very long time. She's known for being way too honest and acting boldly in that state. Her next sentence confirms that statement, "I'm still that plain girl with no sex appeal."

Kiba's grin disappears, his face paling. Satisfied she's deterred him from further bothering her, Sakura turns to leave, only for him to say, "Wait!"

She faces him again, crossing her arms across her chest with a glare, "What do you want?"

"Listen, I didn't know you heard about that, okay?" Obviously, the man now knows exactly why she dumped him so long ago. He lifts his palms in defense, his brow furrowing into a guilty expression that's hard to determine if it's real or not, "I only said that stuff because....Well, I don't have a good reason, Saku, but you know how boys are! They'd call me gay if they found out I actually loved what we did."

"How does sleeping with your girlfriend make you gay, Kiba?! That makes no sense!" Sakura throws her hands out from her sides, unable to believe his poor explanation.

"I don't know! I was young and stupid. You have to believe me!"

Sakura smacks away his hands when he reaches toward her, taking a step back, "I don't have to do anything. Leave me alone."

It's at that moment that the Haruno realizes Kiba, too, has had his fair share of drinks because he tries to grab at her again. His movements are heavy, and a soft red dusts the bridge of his nose that she failed to notice before.

Angry and inebriated, Sakura shoves at his chest, "Back off, Kiba!"

He glares, "Just hear me out!"

When pushing him away doesn't work, the pinkette's fight-or-flight instinct kicks in, and she's never liked running. Before either comprehends what's happening, her fist connects with his nose, and she's cursing at him with slurred, enraged words, "I don't want to hear any-fucking-thing from you, Asshole! I said leave me the hell alone!"

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