Chapter 5-The Pettiness War

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Sakura grins smugly at the shopping bags sitting at the bottom of her closet, beneath the clothes that hang there.

Mr. Uchiha said to use the company card for new work outfits, which is precisely what she did. The woman doesn't actually plan to wear any of the expensive skirts, blouses, blazers, and shoes. After all, there's nothing wrong with how she dresses; her usual style follows the dress code perfectly.

Sakura also scheduled the etiquette lessons he recommended, paying for a few of them in advance. Whether she attends them will depend on her boss's behavior tomorrow.

Ino bursts into the apartment for her usual Sunday evening visit. When she notices the pinkette's determined smirk, she closes the front door and points excitedly, "I recognize that look! Tell me everything!"

The women catch up while Sakura models her new clothes for her best friend. Once Ino knows everything, she pulls her phone out. "If even you say he's hot, I have to look him up. What's his first name?"


"You don't know, do you?" Ino deadpans.

"It's not like we're on a first-name basis, Pig! Tenten still calls her boss "Sir", and they've worked together for so long!" For whatever reason, Sakura feels defensive and embarrassed. In the end, the blond was unable to discover Mr. Uchiha's name and, therefore, unable to find photos of him.

Later, while Ino applies a homemade facemask to Sakura's face, she muses, "I know you said you aren't gonna wear the new clothes, but I think you should."

The pinkette rolls her eyes with a scoff but says nothing because it isn't necessary.

"Think about it, Forehead. You're obviously gonna kick ass at this job. How satisfying will it be to do it in hot new outfits? Mr. Sexy-Jerkface won't know how to take it."

Sakura contemplates the idea momentarily before groaning while tightening the bun holding her hair back, "Ugh, I don't wanna think about him anymore tonight. I'm supposed to be relaxing."

Mr. Uchiha's dark, sharp gaze is something the Haruno woman has never experienced. Though she's female and rather thin, there hasn't been a man who's scared her in all her life. She's faced down bullies and even a few muggers without a blink. And Sakura will be damned before she allows the stuck-up, yet gorgeous, rich guy to change that fact.

Before bed that night, she checks the AC app and sees that S still hasn't responded. She feels uncomfortable and says, 'I shouldn't have asked that so soon. Sorry if I made you feel pressured.' Inwardly, the woman knows the way she speaks to others on AC is a little different than how she would in person, but that's the glory of it. Since she's not standing in front of them, she can take the time to express herself exactly as she pleases. Her goal is to one day have the courage and the not-giving-a-fuck attitude to do so in real life.

Sakura's so worried about angering her boss again that she arrives at the office half an hour early, at 5:30 a.m. While riding the elevator upstairs, she looks down at her outfit. It's a powder blue, fitted pantsuit with a white shirt underneath and a pair of white heels. Her hair is straight and pushed behind her ears, and her makeup is subtle yet flattering.

She's feeling a million times more confident than she did on Friday. It's always been this way for her. If her appearance is put together, then so is she. If not, unfortunately, the same rule applies.

On the eleventh floor, Sakura approaches Mr. Uchiha's office and softly knocks. Since it's early, she expects the room to be empty, but she doesn't know where else to go to report for duty. "Come in."

Emerald green eyes widen slightly, but their owner doesn't lose her cool. Instead, the pinkette strides confidently into the office with her shoulders back and gazes strongly at the frowning man behind the mahogany desk. "Good morning, Sir. Is there anything specific you'd like me to work on until Miss Uzumaki and Sai arrive?"

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