Giving A Face To The Faceless

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If it was hard to be in Sasuke's presence at the office throughout the week, it's borderline impossible tonight. He looks unbelievably perfect in a tuxedo. Sakura's bruised heart aches as she steals yet another glance at the Uchiha man.

The venue for the annual company banquet looks like an opera house on the outside, but inside, it looks like a ballroom from a fairytale story. The floors are shiny, bright, and white, though a hint of gold meets the eye when the lights hit it just right. Elegant fabric is draped from the ceiling in waves, with gold and diamond chandeliers peeking through. An actual, live orchestra is playing a nonstop stream of music, and extremely professional waiters and waitresses are flitting around the room to ensure not a single attendee is without a drink. If Sakura didn't know better, she'd think she'd traveled back to the times of princesses, princes, balls, and carriages.

Karin stands at her side while they loosely follow their boss around. Even though this party is supposed to be for employees' enjoyment, they're still on high alert because multiple reporters and paparazzi are in attendance. Itachi told the women to relax, but they wordlessly agreed that's impossible. So, they're doing their best not to draw Sasuke Uchiha's attention while remaining closeby enough to assist should that be necessary in any situation.

"God, how is he single?" the redhead whispered breathlessly.

Sakura nods, entranced by their boss's gorgeous profile as he speaks with a few of Uchiha Corp's business partners' higher-ups. Without realizing it, she answers honestly, albeit with extreme sarcasm. She scoffs and sips champagne, "Emotional inavailability. Probably bipolar, too."



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He's a selfish jerk. First, he invites himself over to her place and makes it clear he's interested in having a physical relationship. Then, after she agrees and the deed is done, he disappears like a ghost in the night only to act like she forced him into it all. Since she's had a week to let her feelings simmer and brew, she's become bitter and exhausted by the emotional toll.

"Damn, Saku. Lighten up, will you?"

The pinkette snaps out of her irritated daze and realizes her mistake, "Sorry...."

Karin snickers, blissfully unaware of what's transpired between her friend and boss, "Should we find a rebound for your awful rebound?"

Sakura shakes her head, tossing back the rest of her champagne, "I think I'm gonna go back to swearing off men. It's just easier." She nods toward a waiter nearby to signal that she's going to get a refill before silently excusing herself without hearing Karin's response.

While walking through the crowded room of extravagantly dressed people, she berates herself for being so transparent. If she doesn't get her act together, Karin will find out what happened. Honestly, Sakura just wants to quit her job so she doesn't have to deal with any of it anymore. She can't do that because she's supporting herself financially now, so she takes a deep breath, rolls her shoulders back, and lifts a hand to wave down the waiter.

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