Making A Blind Man See

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Sasuke isn't able to get a wink of sleep, just as his brother expected. Come morning, he's still lying on the sofa with glazed over eyes, fully dressed from dinner the previous night. His mind is filled with thoughts of Sakura, both positive and negative ones.

After hours of doing nothing but obsessing over his current situation, he's come to a conclusion, albeit one that doesn't settle his unease: Sakura is a massive distraction from the plans Sasuke made years ago. Ever since he realized his feelings for her, his mind hasn't been as sharp and focused on his career. There have even been times where he'll come home from work and realize he's gone the entire day without worrying about his father.

To Sasuke, that's not a good thing.

That said, there's a throbbing ache in his sternum, as though he's been punched and can't inhale a full breath. Sakura is gone, so he can turn his attention back to what matters. ...Why isn't he relieved that she left?

If his mind is a scale, it's been tipping back and forth. These unfamiliar emotions are weighing down one side, while his responsibility to his family and their business is on the other. Each time one end seems ready to determine a winner, the Uchiha man's mind will spit out an argument that turns the tables once more.

"Oh, Sasuke, Honey, I never thought I'd see you like this."

The man's vision refocuses and he sucks in a surprised breath when he recognizes his mother smiling comfortingly down at him. She gestures for him to sit up and ruffles his messy hair with one hand when he does.

"Mom, what are you-" "Maybe you don't tell me everything like when you were a kid, but surely you don't think your mother wouldn't notice such a drastic change in her youngest child."

Sasuke's mouth clamps shut. He feels ashamed for having been caught in his weakness. His eyes darken, and he lowers them in a weak glare at the ground.

Mikoto giggles softly while walking toward the kitchen to make them both a cup of coffee, "So, what will you do?"

Sasuke sighs. He stands, smooths out his wrinkled clothes, and sluggishly sits at the island bar, "..."

The Uchiha matriarch silently pours their drinks before leaning on the counter across from him with an unserious frown, "Your plan is to let her go, then?"

For some reason, the question strikes a chord.

"What else is there to do, Mom? I can't just...." Sasuke groans, cutting himself off before regaining his composure and speaking more calmly while glaring into his mug of coffee, "Dad won't allow it. We both know that. I haven't worked myself this hard just to have him disown me for wanting to be with someone who's not from "our world"."

Mikoto takes a sip of her drink with a pondering expression. She swallows slowly before asking, "And if you do inherit your father's empire, will you be satisfied?"

His eyes narrow, "What?"

"How will you feel when you're all alone at the top? Sure, your father will have acknowledged you, but what happens after that?"

"I'll run the family business, Mom. You know that's been my goal since I was young."

Mikoto leans forward, her usually lax aura becoming stone cold as she studies her son's frowning face, "Will you be happy, Sasuke?"

The youngest Uchiha's mouth closes, his eyes widening. He almost answers affirmatively but hesitates. What does she mean by that? Of course he'll be happy when he reaches his life-long goal! ...Right? He tries to picture the future and sees himself in that CEO office, his parents happily retired while he accepts the responsibilities of the family name and business. It's cold. It's lonely, the image. What is his reward for working himself to the bone all these years? The rest of his life spent alone, continuing to slowly kill himself just to cling to something as stupid as acceptance and pride?

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